What's A TikTok? {C.Evans}

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You laugh at something your friend said, throwing your head back and lying upside down on your bed.

"He knows nothing about modern stuff, literally! The other day he asked me what a meme is" You say, laughing.

"He's clueless!" He says. 

"He can't be any worse than uncle Seb, my dad at least said it right," You say.

"Do I want to know?" He asks you. You laugh before you get it out.

"He-He said" You burst out laughing again before you can spit it out " ME ME!" You say, wheezing. Y/F/N bursts into uncontrollable laughter.

"Me me?" He says, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Yeah, no matter how many times I explain it to him, he still says that," You say. You and Y/F/N have a long 3-hour call, that you have to end because your dad starts calling you down for dinner.

"Y/n!" He yells.

"I gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow!" You say, hanging up the call. You stand up from your bed and run downstairs, the smell of pizza hitting you when you walk into the kitchen.

"I hope you're hungry!" He says, turning around to look at you.

"I'm always hungry, what are we having?" You ask him, swinging your legs on the counter behind him.

"Pizza!" He says. You nod and hop off of the counter, peering into the oven from the little glass window at the front of it. 

"Pepperoni?" You ask him. He nods his head.

"I made your least favorite too" He adds on. Your head whips around so fast, you think you might have whiplash.

"You would never," You say.

"Oh, but I did baby girl," He says. You roll your eyes and stomp your feet.

"How many times do I have to tell you" You start. Chris folds his arms and leans against the counter. "Pineapple does not belong on a frickin pizza!" You say. Chris just laughs. "It doesn't! You're a weirdo." You say.

"But if it's in the genes, sorry to tell you Y/N..."

"Oh hahaha, laugh it up. You won't be the one laughing when I'm choosing whether you go to a nursing home or I let you die in bed" You joke. Chris fakes offense.

"Hey! I'm not that old." He says. You quirk your eyebrow at him.

"Oh really?" You test him.

"Yes really, Y/N. I'm not that old" He says. A smirk appears on your face.

"Okay, if you're not that old, do you know what a TikTok is?" You ask him. His face droops.

"Isn't that the noise a clock makes?" He asks you, sounding deadly serious. You burst out into laughter and he pouts while you're doubled over. "I was being serious!" He says. You look up at him, your eyebrows furrowed.

"You were?" You ask him. "That makes it all the more amusing dear father." You say, grabbing your phone. "How long till dinner?" You ask him. He checks the time on his own phone.

"Like 45 minutes," He says. You smile and nod.

"Perfect. I can teach you." You say.

"Teach me what? Because last time I let you do that, I ended up having to buy you a new phone" He complains.

"That was one time and I swear this won't involve leaving the house." You promise. He sighs.

"Fine, show me whatever this TikTok is." He agrees. You take him through the simplest one of you can think of, Why You So Obsessed With Me. It took him a while to get there, but when he did, oh man. The pupil became the master, and the master became the student. Chris was a pro, he was hitting the woah like it was a fucking punching bag, he was killing it. By the time the 45 minutes had passed, you'd managed to teach him two complete dances. When you were eating dinner, all you could hear was that damn Mariah Carey song, and your regret was slowly beginning to build. You shoot him the occasional glance, quietly telling him to shut the hell up and let you eat in peace. He even downloaded it onto his phone, you make a mental note to remember to delete it before he does something he regrets. 

"Y/N" He says. Your head shoots up and you look at him. "Can you teach me this one?" He asks you, showing you another one he wants to learn, add that to the list of 5000. After you had dinner, cleaned the dishes and taken dodger out on a walk, you were done for the night. You had originally planned to call Y/F/N back, but your dad, bless his heart, wants to do more TikToks and naturally, you couldn't say no, he's  Chris fucking Evans. You spent a solid three hours teaching him those damn dances, at one point, he lifted you up into the air and spun you about like a hula hoop. You struggled to keep your dinner down, but no surprise there, you had never felt that before. He saved that one to his phone, taking a screenshot of the time he lifted you and caught you laughing at the correct moment and setting it at his lock screen. After a long night of TikToking, all you want to do is watch a movie and inevitably fall asleep during said movie. Your dad had put on some John Mulaney comedy special and you're laid across the couch, your head on his lap and your legs stretched across the couch. You yawn and your dad looks down.

"You're tired? You barely did anything today!" He says. You look up at him and raise your eyebrows.

"Teaching you's harder than you think it would be" You say.

"Rude, but understandable," He says. "You can go to sleep, it's not like I'm going anywhere." He says. You nod, but you sit up. You take your dads arm and wrap it around yourself, finding yourself more comfortable curled up and burrowed into his side.

So lesson learned, never bring up the subject of TikTok around Chris Evans, it won't end well. Well, depends on your definition of well.

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