The New Winter Soldier {Bucky Barnes}

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Bucky lies in bed, thinking about the mission he's just lost you on. He rolls over and is faced with a picture of you and him smiling from when you were just a kid. He thinks about how you put yourself in front of those agent to save your dad, and how they dragged you away, kicking and screaming. And that will forever haunt Buckys dreams.

You run out onto the battlefield, you're fists ready to punch and your legs ready to kick ass.

"You ready kid?" Your dad asks you.

"As I'll ever be" You say. You flip over one of the bad guys and bounce off his back, kicking his on the way. You deflect blasts using your wrist shields. You, your dad and Sam all fight off the bad guys and get ready to head inside the base.

"Okay, Y/n, you stay with me. Sam, will you be okay yourself?" Your dad says, clearing up the plan.

"Yeah, be safe guys" Sam says, flying into the air. You swallow down your nerves.

"Okay" You say, Bucky turns round and looks at you. "Lets go. I'm ready" You say, assuring him and yourself. He nods and you head inside, trekking through the heavy snow.

You and your dad enter the base, the bitter cold and darkness slightly unsettles you, but you ignore the feeling. You and your dad take out HYDRA agents front right and center, fighting them off using your hand to hand combat skills.  You fight them off but stop when the lights go out. You hear a muffled groan and the lights go back on. You look around, confused by the lack of company.

"Uh, dad? You there?" You ask, looking around. You hear thumps and thuds from down the hall and run towards them. You push all the doors and to your dismay, they all appear to be empty. You go to run into one, but you get repelled back. It's locked. Yahtzee. You kick the door down and see your dad tied to a big chair with two panels about to come down on his face.

"So you are our assets daughter? I must say, I see the resemblance" Someone says to you in a heavy Russian accent. You say nothing and stand your ground. "You stay with us, and we let your father free and live, but if you leave, you lose him...forever" He says. You don't even think about your answer.

"Let him go" you say. The restraints on your dads chair release and he falls out of the chair and onto the floor. The agents surround you.

"Y/n! No!" Your dad screams out. The agents all move out of the way so you can look at your dad.

"I love you dad" You say. The agents surround you again and you begin to kick and scream. Your dad goes to run after you, but the door gets shut in his face. He kicks and punches the door in attempt to break it down. His attempts remain unsuccessful until Sam hears him pounding on the door. Sam pulls the door open and finds Bucky sobbing into his hands.

"I lost her. God dammit Sam I lost her!" Bucky screams. Sam helps Bucky and calm down.

"Come on, man. Being here won't make it any better" Sam says, leading a distraught Bucky through the base. 

Bucky turns over once again, trying to get your ear piercing screams out of his head. 

Six months later

You breathe heavily as you recover from being wiped. They say your words and you become The New Winter Soldier as they call you. Your face becomes emotionless, as do you.

"Good morning soldier" An agent says in Russian. 

"Ready to comply" You reply, also in Russian.

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