Carry You Home; B.Barnes

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-This is angst as fuck-

You ran through the base, Steve said the base was set to blow in 3 minutes, that was 2 minutes and thirty seconds ago. Then you heard a child scream. You shook your head, inner emotions conflicting. Sighing you ran into the room and grabbed the small boy who attached himself you to like a koala does to a tree. As you neared the entrance, the building began to collapse. Your legs powered through, but you were so, so close. The falling ceilings and beams came crashing down behind you, and soon enough onto you. Your leg was clipped and pinned up, you moved the boy under you to protect him from the brunt of the fall. The building fell on and around you. The team watched and then looked around, panic overcoming them upon realizing you were you nowhere to be found. 

"Where's Y/N?" Bucky asked them. No one said anything, but they all sprinted towards the collapsed building. Bucky swallowed his fear, he couldn't get it in his head that you were dead. "Y/N!" He yelled. A wail came a few feet away from where Steve was standing. The team frantically moved rubble away from where they heard the child's shrill screams that were still ongoing. When all of the rubble was pulled away, Bucky felt his heart stop. The screaming child was underneath your unconscious, barely breathing body.  The way your arms were wrapped around the boy proved that you were trying to protect him. Bucky was the first to move towards you, carefully picking you up and holding you bridal style close to his chest. Clint heard the boy who had at this point stopped crying. "We-We need to get them back," Bucky stuttered. The team nodded. Bucky took in your battered appearance, you had a gash on the side of your head, a few of your bones were broken, and you were covered in bruises and scrapes. You looked like you had been through hell. He carried you to the jet, you were still unconscious. From far away, you could have been mistaken for dead, but no one would tell Bucky that. Natasha looked over and frowned, she could have sworn Bucky looked petrified as he held your hand in his trembling one, he was trying so hard not to break down in front of them. He had lost so much in the past, including your mother, and by god, he just couldn't lose you too.


You woke up in your bed, despite having a building collapse on you, you felt amazing, better than ever. You had changed out of your tactical gear and into a hoodie and jeans. Standing up, you walked out of your room and down the halls of the compound. It was light outside, the birds chirping made a smile appear on your face, it felt good. You felt as if you had found a safe place, a place where you didn't have to think about HYDRA finding you and taking you away constantly. You had found something to keep your grounded even when it all got too much, even if it was only birds. You walked into the common room, why was it so quiet? You wondered. Wanda walked into the common room, a sigh of relief fell past your lips as you walked towards her.

"Wanda! What's going on? Where is everyone?" She ignored you, almost as if she couldn't see you. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "Wanda? Hello?" She walked through you. Shock came over you. You stood still, having to take a minute.  You darted for your dad's room, running as fast as your legs allow you to. "Dad! Dad?!" You yelled as you ran down the corridors of the compound. You came face to face with his door and found it wide open, and his room empty. "Shit," You hissed. Pulling at your hair, you walked into his room and set on his bed. "Why the fuck can't anyone see me?" You asked yourself. Then it hit you. The mission, the building. It fell on you. "Holy shit, I'm d-dead?" You stood up from your dad's bed and ran to the med bay, only to find four people surrounding a bed. You entered the med bay and walked towards the group, and seeing the person in the bed was like a slap in the face. It was you. You were lying on the bed, a tube in your mouth to help your breathing, and IV drip's front, right and centre. Beside your bed, was your dad, who held your hand in his only flesh one, Steve, Tony and Natasha. You looked to your dad, he looked like he hadn't slept for days.

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