Dancing On My Own {C.Evans}

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You were three when your parents split up, and four when your dad got custody of you in the court of law. It's not that your parents didn't love each other, they did, they truly did. But it got to the point where your dad was away all the time and so your mom ended up getting left with you. Your mom was a nice person, but when you turned two, she changed. She just became less interested in you and she became more interested in trying to keep her relationship afloat, but clearly, she didn't try hard enough. So for 4 years, it's been you and your dad, and you loved it. Your life was amazing, you had all of your dad's attention. Then he met Christy back in 2010 Don't get me wrong, you love Christy, she's your stepmom and you love her deeply. But then your dad proposed and they got married, again, not a problem. Yeah you were a little pissed, but you'd never seen your dad happier, so who were you to take that away from him? But then came the part you dreaded most, in 2012, Christy got pregnant with your little brother, Kelvin.

"Y/n, can you come down for a second please?" Your dad yells down. You put your phone down and run downstairs, seeing him and Christy sitting on the couch in the living room, excited smiles plastered on both of their faces.

"What?" You ask. Chris looks to his wife and she nods, gesturing for him to tell you.

"You're gonna be a big sister!" He cheers happily. You try to keep in a curse because if your dad hears you swear, he might bounce you off of the walls. You put on a fake smile, pretending to be happy.

"Yay!" You say, waving your hands enthusiastically. "When are you expecting?" You ask Christy. She tells you the details and you pretend to be interested.

After your little brother was born, all attention went to him, you understood that, he was only a baby. But when he started growing up, you still got little to no attention.

You walk down the stairs, your math homework in hand. With Kelvin being in bed, you find it the perfect time to ask your dad for help. Kelvin's now three and entering preschool, you're 14 and in high school.

"Dad?" You say. You see him sitting in the living room.

"You okay?" He asks you.

"Yeah. So I have this math homework and-"

"Y/n, can it wait till tomorrow, I need a nap," He says, cutting you off.

"But I-"

"Y/n. Go to bed please" He says sternly. You nod and walk back upstairs with your near enough uncompleted maths homework in your hands. You sigh as you flick through it, the numbers and letters making no sense to you. You could cry, all you needed was five minutes and he couldn't even give you it. But you've grown used to it, you haven't spent time with your dad in months, and when you have, it's been for about an hour before he needs to be back with your brother. It's not even that you're jealous, you just feel left out.

But then again, in 2015, Christy became pregnant again. Kelvin, of course, was furious, he'd been used to all the attention since he was a baby. But you just sighed and put on the act you used last time. It'd be the same routine, you'd convinced yourself that they're going to put you out on the street to fend for yourself. And when you found out you're getting a younger sister, fear struck into your heart. You'd always been your dad's favorite girl, and now you're getting demoted? When she was born, your dad had asked you if you had any ideas for names, and you had given him the name 'Hope'. He didn't understand the meaning behind why you'd picked that specific name, but he liked it and that's what they ended up naming her. The reason you'd chosen 'Hope', was because you thought that maybe if you dropped a hint, they'd pay attention and notice your grades slipping, or maybe your decreasing mental state, but they didn't. once your little sister was brought home, it was if you didn't exist anymore to anyone in the house.

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