Thunderstorm {Sebastian Stan}

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You sit in your room at your Grandmas house, playing Barbie and Ken. You look out of the window and see the rain beginning to fall from the sky.

"Y/n sweetie! Can you come down for a minute please!" She calls out. You drop your dolls and hop down the stairs, managing not to fall over your feet. You go into the living room and see your grandma on the phone with someone, looking kinda disappointed. She looks at you and holds out her finger, signalling she'll be with you in a minute. You nod your head and jump up on the couch.

"Sebastian please just try, you know how she gets when they happen" You hear her say. You tilt your head and go to the window. You see big, dark grey clouds begin to roll in. You whimper in fear and keep your eyes on the clouds. Your grandma sees you at the window and her face drops.

"Seb just try and be here, she's already getting scared" She says, hanging up the call. She slowly makes her way towards you, trying not to scare you. But as if on schedule, a huge boom of thunder sounds, sending you bolting to your room. You burst into tears as you lock the door and hide under the covers of your bed and cover your ears.

Sebastian can't concentrate fully on the reading, part of his mind is on you, knowing how you are with storms and knowing this one's a doozy. The booming of near thunder makes everyone in the room jump a bit. Sebastian looks over to Anthony, who returns a look of concern.

"Sorry, I have to go see someone" Sebastian says,standing up from his chair and leaving the room. He runs out of the studio and tries to get to his car as quick as possible, trying to avoid the pounding rain. He gets in his car and begins speeding off to his moms house to calm you down. He gets there soon enough and his mom opens the door before he even parks his car. He gets out of his car and rushes straight towards his mom.

"Thanks for looking after her ma" He says, hugging his mom and going inside to get out of the pouring rain.

"It's no problem son, but go talk to her, that poor girl is terrified" She tells him. Sebastian goes inside and goes up to your room. He goes in, but his heart drops when he doesn't see you. His head turns when he hears something moving in his old room. He slowly walks towards it and quietly opens the door. He looks straight to his old bed and sees a small form curled up underneath the duvet. His heart aches at the sight of his five year old daughter curled up under the sheets and crying for him. He moves towards you quietly and sits beside you.

"Hey sweetheart" He says, pulling the covers back. His heart aches further when he sees you covering your ears.

"Daddy!" You cry out. You take your hands away from your ears and wrap your small arms around your dad. He puts his hand on the back on your head and rubs your back with his free hand. Another loud rumble of thunder goes off, making you whimper.

"It's okay sweetheart, daddy's here now" Sebastian coos, making you calm down. He stands up with you still in his arms. He repositions you so you're more comfortable.

"How about we go home and get you a bath and into your pyjamas, then we can cuddle in bed and watch TV?" Sebastian offers you. You nod and put your head on his shoulder. He fixes the sheets in both yours and his rooms, and then goes down stairs. His mom stands by the kitchen counter, your little backpack in her hands. She smiles at Sebastian and hands your backpack to him.

"Thanks Ma" He says. "Y/n can you say thank you to grandma?" 

"Thank you grandma" You say quietly, your head buried into the crook of Sebastians neck. His mom waves him off and he leaves with you still in his arms. He runs out to the car and puts you in your car seat, buckling you in. 

"Okay, you want Disney?" He holds up a Disney album thumbnail on his phone "Or do you want The Greatest Showman?" He asks you, showing you the album thumbnail of 'The Greatest Showman'.

"Disney" You say. He nods and plays Friend Like Me from Aladdin. Your mood lifts drastically and you sing along to the songs, after each one. Your absolute favourite songs comes on, Make A Man Out Of You from Mulan. Your dad sees you get excited and he starts recording. He stops at a red light and puts his phone on the dashboard.

"Lets get down to business" He starts.

"To defeat" You sing

"The huns"  You both say in unison. You both continue singing until you get back to the house. He pulls up in the driveway and he gets you out of your car seat. He positions you at his hip and uses his other hand to keep you from the rain. He runs into the house and he drops everything at the front door, well except you. He puts you on the bottom step and he takes your shoes off, putting them on the step beside you. He lifts you up from under the arms and runs up the stairs with you, eliciting giggles from you. He smiles, his attempts in distracting you from the storm outside proving successful. He puts you in the bathroom and he puts the toilet seat down so he can sit you on it while the bath runs. He undresses you and puts a towel around you so you don't get cold. He checks the temperature of the bath using his hand, he puts some bubbles in it and then dries off his hand. He puts you in the bath and washes your hair.

"Daddy?" You say, getting some bubbles in your hand.

"Yeah baby?" He says. You reach out and put some bubbles on his nose. He mocks offence and you laugh at his antics.

"I booped you" You say, laughing.

"Alright. Fun's over sweet cheeks." He says, lifting you out of the bath. He dries you off and puts you into your pyjamas. He rubs your hair with the towel, making a weird noise when doing so, once again making you laugh.

"Okay, do you want hot chocolate, pancakes or both?" He asks you. You furrow your eyebrows at him.

"Both" You say, crossing your legs. You jump off of the counter and run upstairs to your dads room and throw yourself onto his bed. You wait for him to come back upstairs, but you start feeling really hot. You take off your pyjamas and put on one of your dads t-shirts that could as well be a gown on your small body. You hear him coming up the stairs and you quickly run to your room and put your pyjamas on your bed. You run back into his room and see him sitting on his bed.

"I'm not even gonna yell at you because you look adorable" He says. You go over to where he sits and you lift your arms up to him. He picks you up and rolls back onto the bed. He sits you beside him, putting his arm around you protectively.

"Okay, what do you want to watch?" He asks you. You think for a minute.

"Mulan!" You say cheerily. Your dad presses on the movie and it starts. You drink your hot chocolate and eat your pancakes. And you ultimately fall asleep before 'Bring Honour to us'. 

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