Born To Die; Mob!Bucky

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Warnings; Shooting, near death, angst, swearing, 

word count; 1.9k words


Bucky had tried to keep you away from his line of work since the day you were born, he swore to himself before you were born. And he kept his oath, even when the love of his life let out her last breath as you took your first. Growing up, you were always surrounded by the men that your father saw fit to take care of you, Steve Rogers or Sam Wilson. Your personal preference was always Sam, he let you stay up past your bedtime if your dad was gone on a 'Business Trip'.  But you weren't oblivious, as you got older, you knew that the bruises on your father's knuckles and the small stains of blood on his hands wasn't from a normal 9-5 job that some girls in your school had. That night, Bucky knew it was time to have a conversation with you.

"Now, Y/N, I need you to understand something, everything I'm gonna tell you that I do, is to keep you safe, okay?" He asked you. You nodded, you were 12, not an idiot. You had tweaked on not long ago after hearing Sam say something about the Starks, a mob from upstate New York who was rivalling another group, they had never really specified who. 

"Okay, I get it," You confirmed.

"I have to hurt people, for a living. I know it sounds...Horrible, and probably inhumane. But these people, they want to hurt you, hurt me. And I can't have people hurting you, Y/N, not while I'm still living and breathing. The Starks, they don't understand that what happened was out of my control," He told you. You took a minute to take in the information you had just been told. Your dad was basically a mob boss, no, he was, a mob boss. 

"Is that why I was never allowed to go upstate?" You asked him. Bucky nodded. "What happened with the Starks? Why are you fighting?"You enquired. Bucky let out a deep sigh and looked to you.

"It happened before you were born. There was an accident involving me and Stark's parents, they were killed and it was somehow my fault. They killed my sister, and it's just been like that ever since." He said. "I promised myself and your mother that I wouldn't get you involved in this, and I'm not. You're not going to get involved in this, not at any point in the near future, okay?"


"Y/N. Okay?" You sighed and nodded in defeat. "Good Girl, now come on, you don't wanna be late for cheer, do you?" 


Years had passed since that conversation, you had nearly forgotten about it in all honesty. you were now 17, and a senior in high school. Of course, you attended one of the best schools in Brooklyn, Bucky made sure you got the best education that he could provide you with. Today, was the final game of the school year, and you were nervous as hell to get out onto the field. You would miss being a cheerleader, it had been your life since you had started. But all good things must come to an end, right?

"Y/N, come on! We have to go," The cheer captain, Melissa called out. You nodded, fixed your ponytail and grabbed your pom-poms. As you ran out into the field, you saw your father, his fiance; Natasha, and Sam and Steve. Bucky smiled at you from the bleachers, you smiled back. You flipped, spun and twirled through your routine as smoothly as possible. Then you were off and watched the first half of the game, it was your school against the Cardinals from upstate, Harley Keener, one of Tony Starks kids was on the team. Your school annihilated them, no one wanted to be beaten at a home game, never mind the last one of the season. The whistle called for half-time and both teams dissolved from the field and you all filed on. No one noticed Tony Stark, His wife; Pepper Potts, James Rhodes and Harold 'Happy' Hogan sitting almost across from the Barnes'. Tony was furious, and if his son didn't win, he would find a way to make your team lose. And with the way the score was, it was unlikely that Harley's team would win. Tony sneakily pulled out a small handgun and analyzed the moves of the cheer team, more specifically you. He followed your moves until

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