I Promise You That I Will Learn From My Mistakes{2}{S.Stan}

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It's been nearly a month since you ran away, you're spending your money wisely. Jersey wasn't so bad, the streets were a bit friendlier than New York, but not by a landslide. In hindsight, you feel the regret now. It's ridiculously hot today, and it's October, not normal. You moved back to New York a few days after you left, you had to hide out in Jersey, your dad and his friends were probably out looking for you and you couldn't chance running into them, you couldn't.


A droopy-eyed Sebastian walks down the hall to the door of your room, which he'd kicked down a month prior. He'd close it over every time he left your room without fail. He takes a deep breath and opens the door, that faint glimmer of hope in his heart that you'd be there in your bed, swarmed in your comforter and the stuffed puppy you've had since you were a baby tucked into your arms. But as he expected, your bed's still empty and you're still gone. The look on your face when you were arguing haunts him and will continue to haunt him until he gets you home. if he gets you home. Neither of you usually fought with each other, but when you did you'd usually only lock yourself in your room the entire night, come out the next morning and hear your dad whistling whatever song he was listening to before you'd woken up, it'd make you insane trying to figure out what song it is. It was normal, it was right. But you made the decision to leave. The first few days, everyone in your family was searching for you vigorously, but you had made the decision to leave New York for a few days. You'd received texts from your family members, but the last one was from your dad. You apologized.

Your phone died.

After 48 hours, people stopped searching so hard. Of course, people still kept an eye open for a teenager with Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes, it wasn't hard to miss you, you're the spitting image of your dad. And let's be real, you're a teenager with currently $100 dollars to your name. If someone in New York doesn't brutally murder you, the heat and starvation probably will. No one had the guts to bring the thought of you dead somewhere up to Sebastian, but people in your school were spreading rumors that you're dead. After staring at your untouched room for a few minutes, Sebastian closes the door as he does every day as if trying to preserve it, and he walks into his own room.

"Y/N, please come home, I need you" He murmurs, climbing back into his bed and staring up at the ceiling.


You push yourself up the hill, knowing the area well enough. You keep your hood up and your gaze glued to the floor. You never really considered the weather when you shoved a hoodie in your bag, cause right now you can feel the heat beaming onto your back like a laser. You'd initially chosen a hoodie so you could hide your face, but now you're wearing it to hide your unwashed hair. You're tired, hot and dirty, you could really be doing with a shower right about now. You reach the top of the hill and enter the small grocery store on the corner. The air conditioning hits you and you sigh contently. Luckily, you still have enough money to buy water and a light snack. You wander around aimlessly, trying to keep away from people. You take a couple of laps up and down, enjoying the cool air conditioning while it lasts. You try not to think about things too hard, that's when you break down. You've wondered about going back, but what would be the point in that? What was the point of running away in the first place? It was a question you often found yourself asking, but then the memories of the argument you've tried so hard to bury resurface like they were always there. If you go back, he's going to hate you. There is no way he'd forgive you at this point. And anyway, at this point it's only a matter of time until your body gives out, the police find your body, they'd do an investigation, you'd be identified and you would be put down into the ground, letting your dad free of some kid he probably never even wanted. It sounds like a plan.

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