Best Of You; C.Evans (Drabble)

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anonymous asked:

The cast of Knives Out or Defending Jacob tease (y/n) (Chris' daughter) and Jaeden for being so cute (maybe like PDA, cuddling, etc.)

Doing a couple of these as drabbles or as headcanons!


Jaeden wrapped his arms around your waist and put his head on your shoulder, hiding his face in your hair. You were on-set with your dad since he was shooting his latest project in Boston, meaning you weren't going back and forth from L.A to Boston. And you could see Jaeden more often, both a win-win situation. You were standing a couple of feet away from your dad, not really paying attention to what he was speaking to Michelle about.

"I get off for lunch soon, do you wanna go get something?" He asked you, though it muffled by the fact he was still hiding his face. You nodded and turned around so you could face him, looking at him with a grin. "What?"

"You look pretty," You said, making him blush and look away. You giggled and brought your hands up to his face, making him laugh. "Jae, stop being awkward!" You laughed. Jaeden shook his head, making you move your head back to avoid getting hit.

"Y/N," He whined like a child, making you laugh this time. "I hate you," He said, pouting and looking down at you. "And anyway, don't call me pretty, you're the prettier one out of the two of us." He said, making you blush. 

"God, I love you," You said, kissing his lips briefly. Chris coughed, making you both turn around. "What?" You asked your dad innocently as if you hadn't just offended him, you had made a no PDA deal with your dad as long as he was around.

"Some of us would like to keep whatever we've eaten down, Y/N," Chris warned you. Michelle laughed and shook her head.

"Leave them alone, Chris. They're 'in love' " Michelle said. You cringed and hid your face in Jaeden's chest, groaning quietly. 

"Oh yeah, believe me I know. You don't have to deal with the cuteness in your house," Chris said. "Honestly, as much as I hate to admit it, they're adorable." Chris said.

"I bet they are, from what I've seen here, it's already unbearably cute," Michelle said. "Look at them, that's what I wish I had when I was 17." Michelle smiled at both of you.

"Dad, stop it!" You whined, making Jaeden chuckled. "Just because you couldn't keep a relationship when you were my age." You shot back. Michelle and Jaeden both laughed at the hurt and shocked look on Chris' face. Chris stuck his bottom lip out and then nodded.

"Touche," He commented. "I'm only kidding, Y/N. I love seeing that you're happy, honey." Chris said, smiling over at you. Jaeden's phone beeped, he was officially allowed to leave the set.

"Thank y-" Jaeden grabbed your hand and dragged you away, causing you to laugh. Chris and Michelle shook their heads as they heard yours and Jaeden's laughs get quieter as you ran off of the set.

"They're both in deep, aren't they?" Michelle said. Chris sighed and nodded.


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