Words Are Knives That Often Leave Scars {S.Stan}

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To say you're scared of losing your dad is understatement of the year. You always have the constant fear of him leaving you, just like your mom did. And the bullies at your school didn't help either. You couldn't sleep because their harsh words were echoing in your head. You have good relationship with your dad, you always told him everything, but this one was a little difficult to explain. You tried dropping subtle hints, but he never picked up on them. You just want to tell him, and you need to be around him. You're in no way scared of anyone, but the thought of losing your dad made your heart clench.


"Y/n! It's time to go come on!" He yells from downstairs. You look in the mirror and grimace, the words of your tormentors in your head telling you that you look horrible and everyone knows, that you should just stay in your bed, but you shove them back into the shadows of your mind. He stands at your bedroom door. "Y/n come on lets go." He says.

"Do I look okay?" You ask him. He sighs and walks over to you.

"Of course you do, you look amazing sweetheart" He replies. You smile hesitantly, not believing what he's telling you. He leaves your room and you look yourself up and down again. You sigh and grab your phone, walking downstairs to find your dad standing at the door.

"You okay?" He asks you. You bite your lip hard enough to draw blood, yet you nod. "Well come on lets go, Scarlet and Chris are already there" He tells you. You walk outside and get into the car, hooking your phone up to the aux cord. Your dad gets in.

"What do you want to listen to?" You ask him.

"I don't know, just put something on" He says, sounding slightly annoyed at you. He pulls out of the driveway and starts driving towards the location of the premiere. To say you're nervous, is not the best word to describe your emotions. This is a Marvel premiere for fucks sake, of course your nerves are going to be sky high. When you get there, the blinding lights of cameras hit your eyes with enough force to knock you out. Your dad gets out the drivers side and obviously is immune to the flashes. He walks down the carpet, leaving you alone and slightly scared. In all honesty, you wanted to hide in the car for the next few hours, but it was taken by someone for valeting. Your legs feel like jelly as you walk down the purple carpet. All the people screaming out your name sound distant, yet they're right in front of you. You take a deep breath and open your eyes, putting on your best fake happy. You get what feels like thousands of pictures taken before you find your dad again. You tap his shoulder.

"Hey! I lost you" You say.

"Oh, did I?" He replies, you nod your head in response. "Well, I need to go do I few interviews, I'll see you later Y/n" He says, leaving you alone once again. You frown sadly and look around, everyone seems so busy, so you disappear into the bathroom. You sit in one of the stalls with your hands in your hair. You have the creeping suspicion no one wants you here, and after all, you're only in it for mere minutes, but here you are, crying silently in the stalls of a bathroom at one of the biggest movie premieres of the year. You're surrounded by family and friends, yet you've never felt so and alone and scared. You just want your dad, but he doesn't seem to want to spend time with you. That definitely hurt to think about. Why doesn't he want to spend time with you? Where you sick or something? You don't understand, which makes it hurt more. Your phone gets a text notification and you see Chris' name on your screen.

Evansevansevans: Hey kiddo, where are you?

Y/n: Bathroom, had a girl thing :/

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