If You Touch Her, You Die {B. Barnes}

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You were thankful. Thankful for him. He was the one you had feared the most when you were under HYDRA's control, you were expected to be exactly like him. And for some time, you really believed that you could do it. But then you failed a mission, and you were punished. You were wiped, even though they had wiped you through and through. They made your brain feel like slush, and for some hours, you thought they had liquidated your brain. But unfortunately, they hadn't. It was that day, that they had given you new abilities. You were strapped to a chair and a yellow-ish serum was injected into you. The pain was excruciating, to say the least. And after a few short hours later, you found yourself blue and your hair red. You started screaming, but you changed into another person. You found yourself about a foot smaller and in the form of a child.

"What the hell have you done to me!" You scream out. A group of agents comes running into the room, the head of HYDRA walking in between them.

"Well well well, it looks like our little experiment worked." He says. You change back into your natural form. You glare at him, and he marvels at the sight of you. You narrow your eyes and notice your feet are unchained. Even though all their wiping and conditioning, you know this is wrong. You smirk and throw your legs up, knocking him back. You slip your hands out of the restraints and land on the floor gracefully. You look up at the rest of the agents, but before you can fight any more of them, one of them tases you and you pass out.


Bucky walks down the hall, his weapon gripped tightly in his hands. The very atmosphere of the place gives him the chills. It's the last HYDRA base on their radar, the last one they can pinpoint an exact location on. Bucky walks past a room, the door busted open. He stands at one side, his head peeking into the room. In the corner, he sees a teenager, her skin blue and her hair red. It's you. You're still unconscious, and they left you here for dead. Bucky puts his weapon away.

"Hey!" He says. You jolt awake and look over to him, a look of fear clear in your eyes. You try and push yourself further into the corner. "Hey, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." He says. "They did this to you?" He asks you, referring to your new physical appearance. You nod.

"You're him. You're the winter soldier. They wanted me to be like you, I failed, this was my punishment" You say. Bucky moves closer to you. You concentrate and picture how you looked before. You go back to how you used to look, and Bucky has a look of surprise and shock on his face.

"You're a shifter?" He asks you. You nod in response to his question. "Can you stand?" He asks you.

"I don't know," You say, pushing yourself up the wall. You go to take a step, but you fall flat on your face. Bucky laughs lightly and smiles as he walks towards you. He picks you up and carries you bridal style out of the base you've called home for the past Y/A years.


After a few weeks, you got used to calling the compound your home. To say you were nervous about everyone in the base was the understatement of the century. Even now, you're usually found with Bucky, following him like a lost puppy. Bucky sees you as the daughter he never had, but whether you think that or not is a whole other conversation. In all honesty, you do. He's the father you never had when you were younger. You've grown to love everyone, maybe except for Tony, it's a love-hate relationship. You idolize Natasha, she's been helping you train the right way, not like in HYDRA when they would just make you fight until you won over and over again. You learned tactics and how to keep your body in peak condition. You got help controlling your powers, but like everyone else, you made an occasional slip-up, and that was okay.


You walk through the dark street of New York City, maybe leaving the mall so late might have been a bad idea. You don't have the best common sense, but every other sense is in tip-top shape. You decide to take a shortcut down an alleyway, again, you don't have the best common sense. You hear a shift coming and you jump out of your skin. Kinda literally. You shift back into your natural blue form and you freeze, the cold cutting knifes into you. You hear the same shifting again and you turn around, only to get a chemical soaked cloth shoved in your face. You try to push it away, but the person pressing it into your face is pretty persistent. You pass out and slump into their arms.

"Let's take you back where you belong, freak," they say.


"She what?!" Bucky roars. Bucky walks up to Tony, a scowl on his face, "You let her go out and now she's fucking missing!" Bucky yells. Steve sighs and puts his hands on Bucky's shoulder.

"We'll get her back, Buck. I promise" Steve says. Bucky rolls his eyes and pushes Steve's hand off of his shoulder.

"No, I'll get her back. She's my responsibilty" Bucky says.

"You don't even know where she is," Natasha says very matter of factly.

"She'll be at the base where we got her, who else would be looking for her besides HYDRA?" Bucky says. The team all nod.

"Well, what are you waiting for? go get her man!" Sam says, pushing Bucky off.


You wake up, your head spinning and pounding. You realize you're fully strapped down to a table. You pull on your restraints in an attempt to escape them, but you can't move. You look around the room, analyzing it for potential escape options, but you find none. The large steel door to the room swings open, revealing the man who caused you all your pain.

"You asshole! Let me go!" You scream.

"That's not a very nice word Y/N," He says. You furrow your eyebrows.

"Fuck you. You're gonna regret this!" You say. He raises his eyebrow inquisitively.

"And why is that?" He asks you.

"I'm not telling you, it wouldn't be a surprise if I did, would it?" You say, a smirk plastered on your face. He pulls his hand back and slaps you. "Aww, that tickled!" You say, mocking him.

"Shut up! You think that you're everything, well when we're done here, you won't be able to think. You'll be mindlessly following orders." He says. His words make your normally sarcastic bravado crumble. You hear the metal panels move from behind you and you begin to squirm uncomfortably. The panels close in and you prepare for the imminent pain. But nothing comes. A resounding gunshot echoes in the room. You look over and see Bucky standing in the doorway, a dark look in his eyes and a gin in his hand.

"I told you you'd regret that," You say. Bucky says nothing as he looks at you, walking over and undoing the restraints around your legs and wrists. "Whaddya say we take these assholes down?" You say, smirking.

"Language, Y/N" He warns you.

"Fire!" One of the agents in the room says. You move swiftly and knock one of them out. Before you can move any further, you feel a sharp pain in your side. You look down and see blood seeping out of a gunshot wound. You turn to face Bucky.

"B-Bucky?" You say. Bucky stops what he's doing and he turns to face you, his face paling at the sight in front of him.

"Y/N! You're going to be okay!" He says, catching you as you collapse onto him. Your vision blurs, and you fall unconscious.


The sound of a beeping machine wakes you up. Your eyes peel open and you see Bucky sitting beside you, your blue hand incased in his grey metal one.
"Look who's awake," Bucky says. You look down and see a pile of papers on your lap. "I've been meaning to ask you something. I completely understan-"

"Bucky, get to the point," You say. Bucky sighs.

"I want to adopt you." He blurts out.

"Y-You want to adopt me? Do you want to be a laughing stock?" You ask him. He frowns.

"If it means I can be your dad, then it's a risk I'm willing to take. If you don't want to do it i-"

"I do. I didn't think I was loveable, even before what they did to me. My real parents didn't love me, so I thought why should I?" You say, your voice cracking.

"You should love yourself because you're a badass, I mean, you can imitate anyone, even their damn voice! That's pretty cool."

"Yeah, even their voice" You say, copying Bucky's voice. He laughs.

"See! You're fuckin' awesome!" He says.

"Get me a pen, these papers aren't gonna sign themselves"


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