Because Of You; B.Barnes x N.Romanoff

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-(Weird AU were Steve snapped and Tony lived)-

"You're no good at this, Y/N. Your mom would've bet me at way quicker than this." The phrase had become one of the only things your dad ever said to you unless he was nitpicking at you about something, or making mean comments that he wouldn't see as mean. He would often play the comments off as jokes, they weren't jokes to you, they were more like emotionally damaging. It wasn't exactly your fault that you weren't trained for years and years, you were still 16, you had room to learn. Bucky didn't care though, he didn't care about much. He'd already lost so much, losing Natasha was the worst, leaving him a single parent to a teenager who was convinced that he didn't like her.  The loss of his best friend took a toll on the both of you, Steve became almost like a second father to you when your biological one disappeared in the blip. And now he was gone, but his sacrifice would and never could be forgotten. 'Captain America, the death of a worldwide hero' was what the news reported, but he wasn't Captain America to you, he was just Steve. If you could get a chance to speak or be around your dad for long enough, you would ask how he was, that you were always there if he ever felt that he had no one to talk to. Even if you could tell him, why would you? He never spoke to you about anything, so why would his grieving and mourning be any different from that? What made you so special to think that your own father would ask you how you were feeling?


The worst part of your school day was the part that most people would consider the best, the end. The end of the day meant that you had to go home and deal with whatever insults that your dad would put on you. You waited for Peter for about 15 minutes before your heart began to pound, thinking that maybe he had gotten into trouble with something or someone. Then your phone pinged.

Peter Parker: Sorry, I can't walk home! Mr. Stark came to pick me up.

Y/N: Oh, I'll see you tomorrow, Peter.

Peter didn't reply to your last message. At least one of you had a father figure to look up to. That thought was always a heartbreaker. You saw girls that had mother figures, and if not father figures that they could look up to, you were envious of that. Envious that they had a parental figure that would sit down and tell them that they're doing good and that they're enough. You had that. There would always be that pesky 'had' that made things difficult. The 'had' that made you remember that you didn't have a mom anymore. The worst part was, that you did idolize your dad. You wanted to do what he did for Steve for Peter, even though Peter could protect himself 10x better than you ever could. You hadn't noticed it was raining until your phone screen started getting wet, and it was then you decided to call your dad.

"Hey dad," You say. You were tense, you almost never called your dad.

"Hey Y/N, what's going on?" He asks you.

"Can you come to pick me up from school? It's raining pretty heavy and-"

"Why don't you just walk, Y/N? You could use it to walk off a little of that baby fat" He says. You frowned and went to speak, but he hung up. Your eyes stung with tears. Body image was always something you struggled with, you were raised to be in tip-top shape, and you were. But there was just always someone nagging at you that was telling you that you weren't. You sighed and put your phone in your pocket, starting your trek home in the pissing rain.


"Hey! It took you long enough to get here, did you get lost or something?" Your dad asks you. You closed the front door as quietly as possible, but his super-soldier hearing picked it up.

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