Hunger Games AU {B.Barnes}

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Your hair blew as you sat on the hill that looked over the district you called your home. District 12, the smallest and most poverty-ridden out of all of the others in Panem. You and your father lived in The Seam, set out in the border of the district next to the deep forest you always found yourself trekking through when you needed space. You often found yourself in the woods due to the resentment most people held against the youth of The Seam, you never understood that, your father, James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes was one of the best men in the area, you thought that would at least give you a little bit of credit. But no, no matter who your parentage was, you were always frowned upon. It was the same as your father's best friend's son, Dean Rogers. His father and your father used to work down in the mines before the rebellion happened. Then the district was bombed by the Capitol, causing the mines to collapse. It was just sheer luck that both Steve and Bucky weren't in the mines at the time, they were heading back to their families. Your mother was involved in trying to retrieve survivors who were trapped, but no one knew how unsteady everything was and it all happened so fast. Your mother died when the mines collapsed further, her body was never found. You were young but old enough to know what happened. You had been thinking for long, maybe too long. You felt a presence behind you and you felt for the knife that was in your belt. You grabbed the knife and aimed for a tree behind you, just planning to scare the person creeping up on you. You throw it in the knife into the tree behind you, causing the boy that stood a few feet in front of you to yelp and jump into the air. You sighed and shook your head.

"Do you have a literal death wish, Dean Rogers?" You ask him.

"Do you?" He asks you "We've all been looking for you for hours, Y/N. Your dad's worried sick" He tells you. You said nothing as you kept your gaze straight ahead. "He wants you home, wants you to get ready for tomorrow" He adds on. You finally turned around to face him and you sighed.

"I didn't think your dad would be letting you out after what happened last night," You say, a smirk on your face. You stood up and adjusted your shirt, brushing down your jeans of any dirt. Dean rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"It wasn't all my fault, you were the one who gave me the idea" He defends himself. You both started making your way out of the forest and back into civilization.

"I didn't force you to go through with it though, you're responsible for your own damn actions," You say. Both you and Dean took the back road to your houses since they were right next to each other. You talked about how nervous you both were for the day ahead of you both, the reaping was what they called it. You were 16, so you only had to last another 2 years before you didn't have to worry about being picked. Then you would be married off to some stranger to pump out kids to be put forward to have their names put into the raffle. Dean and Steve had asked the Capitol endlessly to have his name taken out of the raffle, due to all of his health conditions that he inherited from his father. It turned out that even though all of Steve's illnesses weren't active in him himself, they were still in his genes. But no matter how hard they tried, they both still awaited the dreadful feeling of his name being called out at reaping day. You waved goodbye to Dean and you climbed over the fence that hid your backyard from the public path that was behind the row of small houses. You landed on the ground with a groan, but you brushed off your pain and stood up, heading into your house and before you could react, you felt the familiar feeling of your dad's arms wrapping around you. He held you close for a few seconds before letting you out of his grip.

"Where the hell were you?!" He asks you.

"The forest" You murmured. His eyes widened as he couldn't believe what you had said.

"The forest? The same forest that's infested with all sorts of animals that would tear you apart easily and the same forest I have repeatedly told you that you shouldn't be going into alone?" He asks.

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