Stop Crying Your Heart Out {Tony Stark}

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(I apologise for the sadness this may cause)


You walk into the base, unfortunately for you, with Peter by your side. You feel a certain feeling towards Peter, but whether it's jealousy or hate, you can't quite put your finger on. At first, it was great. You and Peter were best friends and you did everything together, watching Star Wars all day, sparring together, studying together. You had a great relationship with your dad, Tony, too, he helped you out when you got stuck with stuff, he let you work with him in the lab. But at some point, everything changed. You began not seeing as much of your dad or Peter, Tony stopped helping you when you were stuck, stopped letting you in the lab, and to your mind, stopped loving you. The elevator dings and you step out, your dad waiting to greet Peter joyfully and then give you a halfhearted wave and then dismiss you straight after.

"Peter! How was your day?" He asks Peter, a large grin plastered on his face.

"It was great, Mr Stark. I got an A on my biology test!" Peter boasts, showing Tony his test paper. 

"Wow, that's great kid!" Tony says.

"I got an A+" You say quietly in the hopes of Tony hearing you. He turns his attention to you.

"Yeah well done" He says, waving you off. Your heart breaks inside at the lack of your fathers appreciation of your achievement. You smile sadly and look behind your father and see Happy, who's holding both his thumbs up at you and smiling. You smile happily at him, making Tony and Peter give you confused looks.

"Okay, so we have to improve a few suits, Natasha's, Steve's and yours" Tony tells Peter, who nods as they walk away to the lab. What they don't know, is your suit needs fixed too. But it's not like they care. You walk into your room and slam the door shut. You begin to break down in tears as you slide down your wall. You rip up the test and put it in the trash as you walk over to your bed. You throw yourself down on it and groan. You lay for a while until a knock at your door makes you shoot up. You walk over to the door and open it, and your internally roll your eyes.

"Peter, how nice of you to notice I exist!" You says. Peter walks in.

"Ha ha Y/n, funny. I do notice you exist, i'm just busy" Peter says as you sit on your bed.

"With my dad, yeah I noticed, you both always appear to be 'busy'." You say, making quote marks with your hands.

"Well if we're too busy I guess I should take back this movie" Peter says, revealing a DVD copy of Star Wars Episode II.

"Where did you get that?! That's so incredibly hard to find!" You say, taking it from his hands.

"Well I pulled a few strings and a few of your dads credit cards and voila" He says. You smile at him and pull him onto your bed and put the DVD in the player. He puts his arm around you as you watch the movie.

"Y/n I'm sorry I've been so busy with your dad, I feel bad" He says. You pout and look up at him.

"It's okay Pete, i understand" You say. The door of your room swings open and in walks your dad.

"Oh, Peter come on, I got me and you tickets to that concert you wanted to go to" Tony says.

"That's great Mr. Stark, It really is, but I told Y/n I'd spend some time with her" Peter says, making your heart warm.

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