Sing Me To Sleep, Sing Me a Lullaby {B. Barnes}

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Your head pounds as your eyes peel open. You look around and take in your surrounds, struggling to see much through the hazy, sickly yellow light. The room spins and you realize that you're not even in the compound, nevermind your bedroom. The rope that's holding you against the chair burns your arms. The heavy metal door that's in front of you swings open and the loud creaking of the rusted hinges sends shivers down your spine as several men walk into the room, one in a clean blues suit and the others in what appears to be tactical gear. The man in the suit walks towards you.

"Oh look, you're awake," He says. "I thought we had overdosed you, that would've been a bitch to clean up" He complains.

"Yeah yeah skip the bullshit, why the hell am I here?" You ask him. 

"We want our asset back. We gave you a chance and you failed, but your father never failed, did he? He was our perfect soldier until the Avengers came and put him back together." He says.

"What- what do you mean?" You question him, your confident facade breaking. He smirks.

"Well, we got you there didn't we?" He says, a smirk playing on his lips. "We're going to put your father's brain back in the blender, and we're going to get our soldier back. But not before we completely turn your brain to mush." He says. Your eyes widen and fear courses through your veins.

"N-No! You can't! Please don't do this, you can take me! Just please, please leave my dad alone!" You beg him as he turns his back on you, leaving the room. He walks to the door, his entourage following in tail.

"Miss Barnes, I'm sorry to tell you, but your begging is amounting to nothing, give up while you have the chance," He says. The door closes and you're plunged into darkness as they close the door and turn the lights off.

"N-No! Let me go you bastards let me go!" You scream, trying to get yourself out of the rope keeping you on the chair. "Please! Let me go." You cry. You try and build momentum so you could build a plan from there. You rock from side to side and when the chair falls to the floor, you hit your head off the floor. You pass out.


"Y/N! Come on wake up, you're going to be late for training!" Bucky says as he pounds his fists on your door for what feels like the 46384th time. He puts his forehead against your door. "Y/N? Are you in there?" He asks. There's no answer. "Y/N?" He sounds panicky. "Y/N Open the damn door!" He yells. He grows concerned. "If you're in there, move back, I'm opening your door" He warns. He busts your door open using his shoulder, and his heart stops when he sees the mess in your room. Your window's smashed and the covers and duvets on your bed are strewn across the place. And the worst part, there's no you. Bucky stands in shock and he only comes back into reality when he hears Steve running down the hall.

"Buck, what's wrong?" Steve asks him.

"She's gone," Bucky says plainly, turning around to face his best friend. Bucky walks into your room, and placed on one of the books on your desk is a yellow post-it note, a set of coordinates scribbled on to it messily. He picks the note up and scans over the coordinates, over and over again. He turns around to face Steve, who's leaning against the doorframe. "They-they got her. HYDRA got her. S-Steve! HYDRA got Y/N. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God." Bucky says, his breathing becoming heavy and uneven. Steve walks over and puts his hand on Bucky's shoulder.

"Buck, calm down. Y/N's trained well enough, she knows how to defend herself" He says. Bucky shakes his head.

"Steve, I failed her. I promised her that I'd keep herself and I couldn't even fucking do that. What if she-she's-"  Bucky can't even finish his sentence, the thought of you lying dead in a HYDRA base making him shake. "We have to go get her," Bucky says. Steve nods in agreement.

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