Lets Waste Time, Chasing Cars {S. Stan}

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-The reader is 4 years old in this part (Set about 2008)- 

-warnings: Panic attacks, anxiety, mentions of depression, Emotional Abuse?-

Even though you were only young, you understood that your mom and dad were never on the best of terms with each other. Your mom still wanted custody of you, but her 'busy lifestyle' only made you available to her on the weekends, meaning your dad got you during the week. Even at 5 years olf, you dreaded spending time with your mom. It wasn't that you didn't love your mom, you really, truly did. She just never really paid any attention to you, and when she was she was most likely yelling at you for something that wasn't your fault, and you were honestly scared that one day she would take it to far and hit you. But deep down you knew she wouldn't, would she?

You sat in your car seat in the seat diagonal behind your dad's. He parked outside your mom's house and he waited for her to come out.

"You be a good girl for your mom this weekend, okay?" He asks you. You nodded and smiled at him.

"Mhm! I promise daddy!" You say happily. "Mommy said that she's gonna get Mcdonalds tonight!" You cheer happily. Sebastian laughed at you from the front seat.

"Did she now? I thought Mcdonalds was our thing Y/N" He says, mocking despair. 

"No! Don't be sad daddy! Mommy don't always get Mcdonalds!" You add on.

"Nope, the damage has been done Y/N. I thought we were friends." He says. You giggled at him, knowing that was being silly. You looked out of the window and seen your mom getting walking of her apartment, making you sigh, knowing you wouldn't be seeing your dad for a few days. He got out of the driver's side and walked over to your side, unbuckling you and grabbing your backpack. He carried you out of the car, walking around to the other side. He saw your mom standing there, her face caked in makeup and her hair messy. Sebastian internally cringed as he handed you over to her. He failed to notice the tears burning in your eyes as he handed you your backpack. "I'll see you on Sunday night, 'kay squirt?" He says.

"Okay daddy," You say, frowning as your mom turned her back and walked away. You kept your eyes on Sebastian as he got into the car and pulled away. Your bottom lip quivered as your mom walks into the apartment building. She walked up the stairs to the first floor and kicked the door of her apartment open. She put you on the floor.

"Y/N, go to your room, I have work to do." She says. You pout and look up at her, your head tilted causing your pigtails to sway.

"But you said-"

"I know what I said, but guess what, I lied." She says, walking right past you. You frown as you grabbed your backpack and walked into your room. You jumped up onto your bed and looked at your feet, seen as there was nothing else to do in the small house that your mom lived in. It was smaller than your dad's house, but it wasn't that you cared about, you were a five-year-old, you just wanted your mom to maybe pay attention to you. 

You had sat for a few hours, resorting to the coloring books that sat stacked in a pile in the corner of the small room. Your mom had come in and swung the door open.

"Come on, it's time for dinner." She says. You instantly lit up and sat up straight.

"Did you getted the Mcdonalds?!" You ask her. She laughs and looks down at you.

"Dear God no, I ordered a pizza for me, you're having a salad, no child of mines is gonna be fat." She says. You had felt something sting, not physically. It felt like the time someone had said they didn't want to be your friend anymore, but only 1000x worse.

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