I Lost Her, God Damn It I Lost Her! {2/2}{B.Barnes}

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You wake up from your cryogenic state, and as if in a flash you feel yourself being restrained to the wiping chair. You take the mouth guard placed in front of your mouth and prepare your self for the tremendous pain you're about to endure. The mouth guard does little to silence your screams as the electric shocks are sent through your body. The process continues and when the panels lift, your body trembles, maybe even slightly convulsing. They force you to stand, then walk down to the cell with the word 'BARNES' written in bold on the door. The door opens and your thrown into the room, landing with a grunt. You groan and pull yourself up, your bones cracking as you do. You walk over to the dresser, seeing a stealth suit folded up on it. You get changed into and notice the difference between that and the old training gear you had on. This one has the right arm torn off, drawing the attention to your bionic silver arm. A gunshot alerts you, putting you on high guard. 


Bucky sits down next to Clint, his knee bouncing.

"Are we even sure it's her?" Bucky says. Clint sighs.

"Honestly, no. Steve just needed an excuse to get you out, you need to get out Barnes" Clint says.

"So what? We go out here and we find nothing? And in case you've somehow forgotten, she's dead. Deceased, not living however you put it, my daughter is dead and I'm never going to see her again!" Bucky says, all his past emotions rising. Everyone looks at him with sympathy as he breaks down into tears. And for the first time, all of the Avengers see James Barnes completely break down. Steve takes him to a more private area of the quinjet.

"Buck, I know how hard this is for you to accept, but maybe it is her and if it is, we can save her." Steve tells him.

"Steve I swear to god if it isn't her, I will not hesitate to shoot you" Bucky says, walking away from his best friend.


As the shots ring out, you bust the door of your cell down. In the halls, agents shoot at whoever is opposing as a threat. You're handed a Berreta M9.

"Take down the Avengers, now" Your superior orders you. You nod and cock the gun, holding it tight in your hands. Bullets fly from either sides guns, but all you care about is your mission. You spot Steve, his shield in hand. You shoot a bullet at his shield and it deflects, yet it gets his attention on you. He sees you, but by the time he alerts Bucky, you've disappeared.

"Bucky!" He says. Bucky runs over and sees a flash of silver disappearing around the corner. His breath catches and his legs move before his brain can react to his actions. "Where are you going?" Steve questions.

"I'm going to get my daughter back" Bucky answers confidently before running off and disappearing into the depths of the base. The rest of the team follow after him, also feeling the urge to bring you back. As for you, you get grabbed by one of the agents and thrown into one of the cells. You say nothing as he locks you in, with no weapons, or any protection for that matter of fact. You try to bend the bars, but not even your metal hand could bend it out of shape. You give up and retreat into the corner of the cell, sliding down the wall with an agitated groan. Loud footsteps approach your cell and you stand up, defence mode kicking in. Bucky runs up the cell, his heart stopping at the sight of you.

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