hope for the underrated youth; B.Barnes

1.5K 24 4

Warnings; Angst, kidnapping, HYDRA, mentions to torture, swearing?

Word Count; 2.2k

A/N; Face claim for Wyatt is Finn Wolfhard!


Bucky Barnes had been blessed with twins, you and your brother, Wyatt. But a blessing became a curse when you both turned four years old and where taken by HYDRA during the night while everyone else was sleeping. Both of you went through things you should never have, you were tested on, trained and used.  They had given you powers, you could turn invisible, something that you could never control. Wyatt hadn't gotten any powers, but they had done an experiment of both of you because you were twins, they wanted to see if fraternal twins could be linked and feel what each other was feeling, whether it be physical or emotional. You weren't allowed to remember anything about your past. But you, you always held on to the memory of the man with the metal arm putting you into bed. You didn't know who he was, but you remembered his voice and his face so vividly. While HYDRA had you and Wyatt in their grip, Bucky had torn apart every HYDRA base and possible agent in a futile attempt to try and locate you and your brother. But he never did, not even a clue as to where either of you was being held. 


The apartment that your handler had rented was nice, not anything fancy, but a definite upgrade from what you used to be kept in. You still had to share a room with your brother, but you didn't mind, at least you both had a bed that sat in a frame and not on a hard, cold concrete floor.  But no matter where and what you slept on, you couldn't shake the memories that you weren't supposed to remember. It was always the same thing you remembered.

"But daddy, I no tired!" You whined. Bucky laughed as he carried you out of the living room and into yours and your brother's shared room. Wyatt was passed out in his own bed, while you were complaining about having to go into yours.

"Wyatt said the same thing, sweetheart," He said. You pouted as he tucked you in.

"Are you gonna be gone tomorrow?" You asked him sadly. Bucky sighed and sat on the edge of your bed.

"Not tomorrow, but it won't be for long," He told you. You nodded and yawned. "And there was you not being tired," He commented. You giggled and he kissed the top of your head.

"Night night, daddy," You said quietly.

"Good night, Y/N," He left your room and closed the door. As much as you tried to fall asleep, you just couldn't. You had a weird feeling in your stomach, like the one you had when you were going to be sick. Eventually, you fell asleep. When you woke up at 3 am, you saw something weird in the corner of yours and Wyatt's room. You slipped out of your bed and ran over to Wyatt's.

"Wyatt, get up!" You whisper yelled. He whined and turned around to face you, but then moved back when the previously hunched figure in the corner of your room stood behind you. They picked you up and you screamed. "Let me go! Daddy!-"

"Your father isn't coming, for either of you," The person said. You both passed out due to some gas that they had let off in your room. It was the last time you were ever in control of what you did.

You woke up with a gasp, covered in a small layer of sweat. You looked around to find that you weren't in that room you didn't recognize and it was all a weird dream that you kept having and couldn't get rid of. You looked over to the other side of the room and saw your brother laying on the bed across from yours. You sighed, thinking about the plan you had been thinking about for weeks. You wanted to run away, and try to find out what you are, who you are. The bag under your bed had been packed for months, in case you ever got the guts to go through with your plan. But you had enough, you were gonna do it, tonight. You reached under your bed to grab the Nike bag that was hidden by a box. You took it, and turned invisible, walking out of your room quietly and down the dark hall of the apartment you were in. 

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