Little Heartcatcher {2}{S.Stan}

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You and Finn walk behind your dad and Chris as you walk through the mall. You look at Finn and let a laugh play on your lips. Your dad turns his head to look back at you and your head dives to the floor. When he turns back around, your gaze turns to your increasingly nervous boyfriend. He looks over at you and his eyes gesture towards the nearing exit of the mall.  When you get out, your dad turns to Chris.

"Thanks for coming with me man, otherwise I could be grandpa by the middle of next year" He says. You and Finn fake gag quietly.

"Just make sure to give him the protective dad talk, and call me after to tell me what happened" Chris says. Finn shoots you a scared look and you laugh at him.

"Calm down, nothing's gonna happen" You reassure him. Your dad turns back to you and Finn.

"Alright you two, lets go" He says. 

"Bye uncle Chris" You say, waving to him as he walks away.

"See you Y/n" He says. You sigh and follow your dad to the car, Finn sticking to your side. You both sit in the back and you both pretend to be interested in the cars on either side you, just to avoid the inevitable conversation that's going to happen when you get home.


Your dad pulls into the driveway and turns back to look at both of you, who have the 'deer caught in headlights' look on your faces.

"Go in, we need to talk" He says. You both follow his order, not particularly wanting to piss him off. You lead him into the house and take him into the living room, sitting him down on the couch.

"He's gonna kill me" Finn says. You look up at him.

"No he isn't, he's just trying to act tough" You tell him. Finn pouts.

"He's the Winter Soldier, he scared the shit outta me as a kid" Finn says. You let out a snigger. "Stop laughing! He looks intimidating okay" He says.

"Finn, he's never yelled at me in my life, I think he's scared to. You don't need to worry about it, Finn" You tell him.

"He might make an exception, he's your dad, not mine" Finn says, crossing his arms. The front door opens and the entire house falls silent for a solid minute before your dad comes into the living room. He looks at you and Finn, then leaning against the fire place with his arms crossed over his chest.

"How long?" He asks. You look to Finn, who looks at you to answer. You roll your eyes and sigh.

"4 months" You answer quietly. Sebastian's eyes widen and he walks forward a bit.

"I'm sorry, what?" He says.

"4 Months!" You say louder. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Your dad asks you. You sigh and look at him.

"Because I knew this would happen!" You say, huffing and crossing your arms over your chest, a pout on your face.

"I'm not mad at you, either of you, actually" He says. Finn sighs in relief. "Maybe a little bit at you, you get a separate talk" Your dad says. Finn looks over to you and you smirk at his panic.

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