The Better Half {S.Stan}

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As you got older, you realised some people were never meant to be. And in your case, it was your mom and dad. They went their separate ways when you were five, so you spent time with them equally. You spent Monday through Thursday with your mom, and Thursday to Sunday with your dad. And if you were to be honest, you prefer spending time with your dad. Your mom never does much with you, she's always on a date with some low life and getting tossed around like a strippers bra. But when you were with your dad, it was the only thing that made your life feel bearable. He always made time for you, always had something planned, never left you alone. His house was at least clean. Monday morning and you're outside your moms house. You wait on your dad to get off the phone then you reluctantly say goodbye and that you'll see him in a few days.

"Okay, I'll see you soon mom" He says, hanging up. "You ready champ?" He asks you.

"Yep. See you Thursday night?" You say.

"Wouldn't miss it sweetheart" He assures you. He places a kiss on your forehead and you get out of his car and go into the apartment building your mom lives in. You swat away the puffs of smoke that are blown in your face as you walk up the stairs. You reach your moms apartment and open the door, knowing that it'd be open anyway. You put your bag down in your room and look around, the comparison between your mom and dad really showing. Your room here is an off white colour and the walls are covered in smoke. The paint peels and the carpet is extremely dirty. Your room in your dads house is a pristine white and black colour scheme with an assortment of your favourite band posters on your wall. You read the time on your phone.


Great, she should be home in about 12 hours.


At three in the morning, the door to your moms apartment opens and you hear multiple people coming in. You sigh, great, she brought people home.

"Where's your room doll face?" A deep voice asks. You hear a pair of footsteps come towards your room and you hold your breath, hoping neither of them come in. The door opens and the dim light gets switched on.

"Oh great, my brat's here" She slurs.

"Brat? Mom I have a name" You say, slightly hurt by her comment.

"Yeah, I don't care, go back to sleep Tiffinay" She says.

"My name's Y/n, you should know you were there when I was named" You remind her.

"Y'know what kid, I wish I wasn't. I wish I never had you, or better yet, had you and left you for someone else to take. I hate you" She says. Your sadness turns into anger.

"Then why didn't you get rid of me?" You say, your fists clenched.

"Because your dumbass of a father wouldn't let me!" She says.

"You do not get to talk about him that way! He has been more of a mother than you have ever been! You said you hate me? The feeling's mutual, have a good life, Y/M/N" You say, grabbing your backpack.

"So that's it? You're leaving like this?" She says.

"Oh yeah I did forget something" You search in your pockets, but then give her the middle fingers. "Fuck you, Y/M/N" You say, walking out of her apartment and putting your earphones in, pulling your hood over your head. Now you had ran into a slight problem, where the hell are you going to go. You settle on a bench and turn the volume of your music up. You pull your hoodie closer to you and hope there aren't any serial killers wandering around this part of New York.


Sebastian walks out of the convenience store, one of the light bulbs in the living room had blown and it would annoy him drastically if he didn't fix it. He goes to get in his car, but he sees a familiar looking figure sitting on a bench alone. He keeps his distance and decides to call your cell, to see if it is you. It rings once then he hears your ringtone from the bench.

"Dad? Are you okay?" You say through the phone.

"You've been crying, are you okay?" He says, still keeping his distance.

"Yep, peachy!" You lie. He sighs and walks up behind you.

"Are you sure?" He asks you again. You yelp and jump. "What happened? Why aren't you at your moms?" He asks you. The artificial glow of the street lights illuminates the tear marks on your face.

"She-She uh" Is all you can make out before bursting into tears. Sebastian frowns and pulls you in for a hug. He rubs your back until you stop sobbing."She said, I shouldn't have been born, and that she didn't want me and that she h-hates me" You say. Your dad seemingly gets angry at her comments.

"I'll call social tomorrow, you can stay with me tonight okay?" He says. You nod as your dad slings his arm around your shoulder. You sit in the car and sing along to whatever song plays from his phone. When you get to his apartment, you run inside, upstairs and into your room, groaning into your pillows. Your door opens and you feel a dip in your bed.

"Y/n, can we talk?" Your dad says. You nod and sit up. "About what your mom said, you know none of that's true, right?" He says.

"She said it enough times it might as well be true" You say.

"She's done it more than once? Oh baby, why didn't you tell me huh?" He says, putting an arm around you and pulling you into his side.

"I don't know, I was scared about how she would react" You admit. Sebastian sighs.

"Well none of what she said's true okay? If you weren't here, who would I binge watch Friends with?" He jokes. You crack a smile. "There's a smile!" He cheers.


6 Months Later

"Y/M/N Y/M/L/N, do you hand complete parental rights of Y/n Y/m/n Stan to her father, Sebastian Stan?" The judge asks your mom.

"I do" She confirms. You fist pump to yourself.

"And do you, Sebastian Stan, agree to take care of your daughter and meet her needs" The judge asks your dad.

"I do" He agrees. The judge hits their gavel.

"That's it ladies and gentlemen" The judge says. Everyone gets up to leave. Your dad shakes hands with his lawyer and says something to your mom. She walks over to you, but you walk in the opposite direction of her. At least you won't need to see her anymore. You walk outside and take your jacket off, you do not cope well in the heat. Your dad walks out of the building and you run towards him and jump into his arms.

"I don't think I've ever been happier in my life!" You squeal.

"Oh it's up high on my list." He says, putting you down on the floor. "That was even scarier than the first time I had to do it" He says, loosening his tie.

"Really?" You ask him.

"Yeah, because if I mess up I might not've gotten you." He says, shuddering at the thought.

"But you didn't!" You cheer.

"And now I get to spend all the time in the world with my favourite girl"

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