Adore You; S.Stan

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-Warnings; Tooth rotting fluff, Seb being the best dad ever, no angst, Young!Reader-

Being a four year old was no easy job, but being the four-year-old daughter of a famous person was even less easy. But, you weren't one to complain, exceptions were made if someone changed the channel you were watching, then they would have to deal with the whiny, crying and pouty, female offspring of Sebastian Stan. But luckily, your dad only trusted his mom to look after you, he was very, very protective. The only thing that you hated, was that he wasn't there. He was often gone for filming, and most times he couldn't take you with him, but he always did whenever he could. You just missed him, was all. Your grandma always made sure that you didn't miss him too much, and him you, she knew her son like the back of her hand. You always called him and face timed him whenever you could.


"And then I said that 'No, my daddy's gonna be here' and Laila said that he wasn't! At least I have a real daddy-"

"Y/N," Your grandma warned you, "Your dad wouldn't like you talking like that, would he?" She added on. You shook your head and frowned.

"Sorry, but she just made me so angry. Daddy promised, and he never breaks promises," You told her. She smiled and picked you up.

"I know he doesn't, and I know how excited you are for tomorrow. Your dress is like a princess's and your hair is gonna make you look so pretty! You're going to outshine all of those other girls, Y/N," She said. You giggled. You had been looking forward to the Parent's day in school for a few weeks, and to see your dad again, he even pinky promised you that he would be there. "But, Princess's have bedtimes, and as if by coincidence, it happens to be yours, Princess Y/N Stan," You frowned as she sat you down on your bed.

"But what if he comes back and I miss him?" You tried to bargain with her as she helped you put on your pyjamas. She laughed and tucked you into bed.

"If he comes back and tries to leave, I'll use a Jedi trick to make him stay," A smile fell on your face at the Star Wars reference. Your grandma had you convinced that she was Princess Leia and that she's undercover. "Okay, goodnight sweetheart," 

"Goodnight grandma," She stood up from the edge of your bed and left the room, turning off the light and shutting the door behind her. As she sat down on the couch, the doorbell rang, causing her to curse under her breath. She opened the door and smiled as her son stood in front of her.

"It's about time you showed up, your daughter hasn't shut up about you," She said to him. He laughed as she hugged him and welcomed him inside. "She's upstairs sleeping," She told him. Sebastian grinned, he couldn't wait to see you.

"I'll take her home tonight, but I'll give her an hour to conk out, and until then, we can catch up," As it inched closer and closer to 10 pm, it was then that they decided it was time to call it a night. "Alright, I'll go grab her," Sebastian stood up and went up the stairs to where you were asleep. Quietly, he opened the door and peered in, smiling when seeing the small body under the blankets. He turned on the lights and cringed when you whined. You slowly sat up and rubbed your eyes, groaning at the light. Sebastian walked over and knelt down beside the bed. "Hey, sweetheart," He said. You winced and moved out of the bed, wrapping your arms around his neck and attaching yourself to him like a koala. 

"Daddy, I no feeling good," You told him. Sebastian moved your legs and then sat on the bed you were previously laying on. 

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