Oh, Come on! {2} The Avengers

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Bucky picks up your unconscious body and carries you out of the base. Steve carries Peter behind him. They place both of you down on two cots in the quinjet and put the coordinates back to the base. Bucky and Steve look at each other and stand up, walking into a quieter section of the jet.

"What are we thinking happened? They're out cold" Steve says. Bucky thinks for a minute before shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know, maybe it was just the force of the stone" Bucky suggests. 

"But they were still awake when we got there, then they passed out" Steve says, looking out to the main part of the jet, seeing Natasha check you and Peter over for injuries.

"I don't know, we can see how they feel when they wake up" Bucky says, Steve nodding in agreement. 


The team arrive back at the base and settle down for the rest of the night, you and Peter in your rooms sleeping. With dinner eaten and movie playing, everyone relaxes into their designated seats in the living area. Although the movie has most of the teams attention, Bucky's mind wanders off to you and Peter, who still haven't woken up yet. He tries to ignore the gut feeling that something's wrong, but as a father, he can't. He excuses himself and bids goodnight to the team. He walks through the halls of the base and finds himself standing outside of your room, waiting for something. Anything, for that matter. When nothing happens, he quietly opens your door, poking his read round the corner. His heart stops when he doesn't see you laying in your bed. He sees that your bed sheets are strewn all over the place, putting him in even more of a panic. He runs into his own room, nothing. Well, except a missing blanket from the closet. His eyebrows furrow in confusion as he leaves his room to go find Peters. He finds it and presses his ear against the door. 

"No Peter! You gots to put it on that" A voice says. One Bucky so vaguely recalls.

"Well I wanna do it this way" Another voice says. Bucky puts two and two together and groans. He opens the door and is shocked when he sees two three year olds in front of him. Your face lights up at the sight of your dad and you run towards him full pelt and hug his legs.

"Daddy!" You cry out. He picks you up and puts you on his hip, then looking down at you. Your t-shirt sits like a gown on your now much smaller body.

"What's going on here huh?" He says.

"Well we were trying to make a fort but you came in and broke it" You complain. Bucky scoffs.

"How dare I break your fort. Why don't we go see everyone else, they really want to see you" Bucky says, not completely lying to you. You nod and look back to Peter. Your dad gets the gist and holds his hand out to Peter, which he takes. Bucky walks down the halls with the two of you, and clears his throat when he gets to the entrance of the living room. Everyone's heads whip around and their jaws drop to the floor when they see you and Peter.

"Is that-" Natasha starts

"Yes, it's Y/n and Peter" Bucky confirms. You look around and see Wanda, you begin walking towards her and Peter walks towards Tony. You look up at Wanda and smile, she smiles back.

"Pretty" You say, holding your arms up for her to pick you up. Wanda reaches down and pulls you up onto her lap. You smile at her happily.

"What's got you smiling?" She says. You shrug your shoulders and lay your head down on her shoulder, all your energy seemingly disappearing. You fall asleep on Wanda, and Peter falls asleep on Tony. Bucky comes over and pries you off of Wanda and carrying you to your bed, which on second thought might be a bad idea. He pulls your covers up and kisses your head goodnight. He leaves your room and goes into his own.


Bucky wakes up to his mattress bouncing up and down. His eyes squint and he sees you bouncing beside him.

"Daddy! you gots to get up!" You say excitedly.

"I forgot how energetic you used to be" Bucky murmurs to himself. "Okay, why do I have to get up?" He asks you, sitting up against his headboard.

"Because Peter stuck on the ceiling!" You tell him. He goes to dismiss you, but then he hears a crash and then a cry coming from the kitchen. Bucky swears under his breath and then stands up, picking you up and putting you on his hip as he walks out to the kitchen. Peter sits on the floor, a cut on his small finger. You signal for Bucky to put you down and you walk over to Peter.

"It okay Peter!" You say. You take his hand and place a small kiss on his finger. "See! All better" You say. Peter smiles as you help him up. Bucky looks at you, his eyebrows raised.

"What? I kissed it better like you do" You defend yourself. Bucky picks you up and swings you onto his shoulders.

"Yeah, but I'm allowed to. Being your dad gives me special powers like that, so I can scare away all the boys like Peter" Bucky says.

"Why scare Peter?" You ask him, not understanding.

"Because sometimes boys can be mean, and if anyone hurts you I get to scare them away" Bucky tells you. You nod in understanding.

"I get it! Did mommys daddy do that?" You say.

"Yeah, mommy's daddy was really scary" Bucky says, setting both you and Peter on the counter.

"Scarier than you?" Peter asks. Bucky lets out a small laugh and nods.

"Scarier than me" He says. You and Peter both exchange looks of surprise.


You and Peter sit on the bench, watching Natasha and Clint spar. They were put on babysitting duty while everyone else went to get the sceptre. You watch Natasha in awe, watching how she takes Clint down without breaking so much as a sweat. You watch them go a few more rounds before you begin feeling sleepy. You lay your head on Peters lap and yawn, then falling asleep. 

"Ms. Nat? Y/n felled asleep" Peter says. Natasha and Clint look at the scene before them. They hold back the urge to aw' at the two of you, and instead opt for a mid day nap for the both of you. Natasha carries your sleeping form to your bed and she takes a picture on her phone of a small you, tucked into your much larger bed. 

"Incoming" FRIDAY says, alerting both of the adults in the compound. They both go outside and see the staff in Steves hands. Natasha takes it from him and heads inside, using it to turn you and Peter both back.


You wake up, your head throbbing. You look beside your bed and see your dad fighting to stay awake.

"Dad?" You say, your voice groggy.

"Hey doll, how you feeling?" He asks you.

"It worked" You say, sounding content. Bucky looks at you, his eyebrows raised.

"What worked?" He asks you. 

"You're back." You say. Bucky realises you don't remember anything from the past day, he decides to keep it that way. You let out a tired yawn and look to your dad. "Cuddles?" You say, a huge grin on your face that Bucky can't resist. He nods and walks over to the other side of your bed, then climbing in and pulling your warm body into his colder one. You then fall asleep in your dads arms.

Safe and sound from all the mean boys.

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