One More Light {C.Evans}{Part One}

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--Warning! Warning. This chapter contains triggering subjects like rape and it's after-effects. If any of these subjects trigger you, I wouldn't suggest reading this part--

You walk up the street, your jacket wrapped tightly against you as the harsh, cold winter wind nips at your face. It was a stupid fight, really. He started yelling, so did you, it just escalated from there. He yelled specifically at you, something he never did. He told you to get out, to give him space. So here you are, walking up the street in the early evening, just in time to enjoy the sunset most would kill to see, but its appeal never showed to you, maybe because you've grown up seeing it, every day for the past 16 years. You don't know, You don't care, but you've always enjoyed seeing it. Seeing how the colors seemingly melt and blend into one another, making it look like something straight out a portrait. It makes you forget your worries, about everything. But it was weird, yes, it made you forget everything, but was that a good or a bad thing? In your case right now, it was a bad thing. Too busy with your head in the clouds, that's what it is. You don't notice the black-clad figure walking behind you, just millimeters behind you. It's a pretty quiet street, not many people on it. You walk past an alleyway, but before you can go any further forward, an arm takes a tight grip on your arm. You freeze and meet the gaze of the man holding your arm. His face holds a sinister gaze, a malicious grin on his face. You go to scream for help, but his free hand clamps over your mouth to stop you from doing so. Fear runs through your body, and you feel frozen. He pushes you into the deep, dark depths of the alleyway. 

"I've waited, so, so long for you, Y/N Evans," He says, pushing you down onto the floor. Your fight or flight instincts kick in. As he bends down, you start kicking your legs up at him in attempts to get away from him.

"No! Get the fuck away from me! Please, somebody help m-" You cry. Before you can finish your sentence, he slaps you across the face, causing a small cut to appear. You yelp, and your screaming soon turns into sobs. You close your eyes when you hear his zipper coming down. He pulls your leggings down, taking your underwear with them. He marvels at the sight in front of him and you squirm. He smiles as he forces himself inside of you. Searing pain shoots up through your body. You want to scream, but you feel paralyzed. You want to do something, but you're frozen, letting this man strip away any pride you ever had, and it hurt. Hot, salty tears run down your face as he thrusts in and out of you, each and every one of them causing more and more pain. You become limp. He finishes inside of you and he pulls himself out. He looks down at your trembling form and snickers at you.

"Thank you, so much for your cooperation, gorgeous girl." He says. He pulls his pants back up and walking out of the alleyway as if he hasn't just sexually assaulted a teenage girl. You sit up against a wall, blood staining your clothes. You feel around for your phone and when you find it, you see a screen full of notifications from your dad and your grandma, whose house you were heading to in the first place. You decide, for some odd and random reason, to not call them. You can't, they won't look at you the same. You contemplated calling your mom, but she wouldn't care, she didn't before, why would she now. You go through your contacts and land on one person, your uncle Scott. Your hands shake as you press the call option on your phone. It rings, it rings, it ri-

"Y/N? What's going on, your dad's worried sick" He says.

"Uncle Scott" You say, your voice cracking.

"Y/N? Y/N sweetie what's wrong?" He asks you, his tone laced with concern.

"Uncle Scott, can you come get me? please?" You ask him.

"Y/N, what's going on? You need to tell me where you are." He says.

"4 blocks away from my house, I'm scared, Uncle Scott." You tell him.

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