No Time To Die; B.Barnes x Carter!Reader

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-So, this is different from what I usually write. But I'm happy with how it turned out. WARNINGS; SWEARING, VIOLENCE, KIDNAPPING, -

'Another lesson yet to learn'

"Miss Carter!" Muffled voices called out as you collapsed to the floor. Peggy ran over and crouched down, going to your neck for a pulse. Her big sister instincts were on high, even though she was only 3 years older than you. 

"Y/N?" She shook your shoulders and sighed when you groaned. Your eyes opened, then closed as they felt 100x times more sensitive to the light. "Oh thank God you're okay,"

"Peggy? Did it work?" You asked her. You were a test subject for the same serum that made your sister's not-so-secret crush Steve Rogers, 'Captain America'. The only difference was you wouldn't show just how strong you were, you would appear as normal, but you possessed superhuman strength and heightened senses. 

"Well, you don't appear to be dead, so we can take that as a positive. How do you feel?" She questioned. You sat up and stood on your feet, pushing your sister's hand away.

"I'm fine, promise. Who do I need to thank for not killing me?" You asked your sister. She laughed and pointed to Howard Stark, who came over and took it, placing a gentle kiss on it.

"Well, Miss Carter, we can thank you for agreeing to use this new serum on you." He said. You smiled.

"Thank you for not killing my sister, Mr. Stark. You live another day," Peggy joked. Howard smiled at her.

"Mr. Stark,"

"Excuse me, ladies, go out, have some fun with those men you love!" He said as he was dragged away. You looked to your sister, who had tears glistening in her eyes. 

"Peggy, why are you crying?" You reached your arms around Peggy and hugged. When she pulled away she put her hand on your cheek.

"You're getting too grown-up for my liking, Y/N Carter, off doing things that our parents would never have agreed with, but you're doing them for good. And I am so, proud of you," She said, a sniffle at the end to prove her point.

"Peggy, you're making me emotional, I swear to God, please don't make me cry. They would be proud of us, the things we're doing." You assured her. She smiled and brushed stray strands of hair away from your face. "Now, let's go get ready, we have two very good looking men waiting for our arrivals,"


The bar was bustling with life as you walked in with Peggy. She spotted Steve and waved to him, but there was still no sight of your lover, James, or as you called him, Bucky. 

"H-Hey, Peggy, Y/N," You smiled at Steve as he greeted your sister. She looked so happy with him, she deserved it. "Looks like I might be interrupting something," Steve joked. You laughed and waved him off.

"God, no. I've been trying to get rid of her for years, please, take her all you want," You laughed. Peggy slapped your shoulder lightly. "Hey, I was joking. No, you two go and have fun, I'll wait here," You told them. The couple walked away and you sighed, hoping and praying with every fibre of your being that you hadn't been lead on by some asshole again, you hoped for yours and his sake, Peggy rarely forgave people who caused her baby sister harm or pain. The last time someone broke your heart, Peggy broke the poor man's legs.

"I'm not too late, am I?" The voice made you smile as you turned around. "Hey, doll," He greeted you.

"James Barnes, you're late," You informed him. He smirked and laughed.

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