The Bastards; Series

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Warnings; Kidnapping, swearing, angst, some fluff towards the end

Word Count; 2.1k

A/N: Finally! I promised to update it before the end of this week, and I delivered it! I hope everyone likes this part as it's my favourite to have written so far!

Part Three; Anxiety

"Blasphemy meet again in a world so vicious"


"I'm sorry, Y/N. I tried my hardest but they won't let me off early," Bucky said. You sat across from him and tried to convince him you weren't as heartbroken as you felt. Smiling sadly t him, Bucky could tell that you were sadder than you seemed.

"It's okay. I'll see you after though, right?" You asked him hopefully. Bucky avoided looking in your eyes because he knew he would break down. You were never really one to celebrate your birthday, but Bucky always walked you home from school then took you out for ice cream. "Buck?"

"I'm not sure, alright? But I'll make it up to you, I promise," You let out a small sigh of disappointment and nodded. "Okay, head to bed, sweetheart. I'll see you at some point tomorrow," He said.  You left the kitchen and went to your room, leaving Bucky on his lonesome. He felt awful. Your parents would also be at work all day, your older sisters had left, and he wouldn't be there either, you would be spending your first day as a teenager alone. The thought of how disappointed you looked as he broke the news to you made his heart tug, Bucky found himself letting you down more and more. But, he promised he would make it up yo you, and you knew better than anyone that James Buchanan Barnes never broke his promises.


Your hair blew behind you as you walked home from school, alone. Your heart had felt heavy all day, you had been hoping that Bucky had been playing a trick on you and that he was going to be standing at your school gates like he usually was. But when you saw he wasn't, your heavy heart fell and broke. You had been so focused on getting home and having the day written off like it never happened you didn't realize you were being followed. You walked past an alleyway and screamed when you were pulled in.

"Let me go!" You cried. You tried to pull your arm out of the person who held its grip. The pushed you against the wall and you cried when you felt something sharp pierce through your shoulder. "P-please let me go," You whimpered. You looked up at the person holding you with fear and tears in your eyes, almost trying to convince them to let you go.

"Nah, you're too pretty, sweetheart. I'm gonna keep you," The person took their mask off and revealed a man under it, one with scars all over his face. "You're special,"

"I-I'm not! I can't do much, I'm useless," You tried to convince him. He went to speak, but before he could, you kicked him in the groin and he let go of you, giving you a chance to run. You sprinted out of the alley and began to run, not looking back. Your hand made it's way to the wound on your shoulder as you ran, if you dripped blood on the pavement, they would find you. You didn't even know where you were going, but you weren't running in the direction of your house. You ran into a store, seeing that it was empty and that they wouldn't think to look for a 13-year-old in a sewing store. The woman at the cash desk had looked confused when you ran in with a red stain on the back of your school uniform. You hid behind the shelves and watched as the man entered the store.

"Excuse me, Miss. But have you saw a girl, maybe this height," He gestured with his hand. "Brown hair and blue eyes in here? She's my daughter, she ran off from me a few blocks away and I can't go back home without her, her mother will flip with me," The woman at the desk pointed to where you were and you felt paralyzed with fear. "Thank you," He smiled as he walked towards you. He grabbed your sleeve and pulled you out of the store, his grip definitely leaving a bruise on your wrist. Once outside, he picked you up and slung you over his shoulder, making you scream.

"No! Put me down!" You cried as he carried you to a van. He put a blindfold over your eyes and then something in your mouth. Your cries and profanities were from that moment muffled. You were never seen again after that day.

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