Wreak Havok {A. Summers}{X-Men}

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-Okay, so in this universe, X-Men: Apocalypse never happened.-

Alex had a lot of trust in you. You really didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing, why did he have so much trust in you if you couldn't control something as powerful as your mutation. You have the same powers as your dad, only he managed to keep his under full control, and then there's you. No matter how hard Alex had tried to teach you to control it, you never could. Your mutation only started to show after Alex had disappeared and joined the army, and when he got back, he found his teenage brother calming you down and trying to get you to stop crying because when you got emotional, your powers acted up.


He was greeted by his parents at the front door, but all he wanted was to sleep in his own bed and cuddle with his daughter. When he heard you crying, he felt right at home. From the phone calls he received, he was told that you cried for him days and days on end. But he was thankful for his little brother, Scott, who took the role of the responsible uncle and spent as much time with you as he could whenever he wasn't busy with school or hanging out with his friends. So Alex told his parents to not tell you he was coming back, he wanted to see the surprise on your face. For the first few months, it had been you and your dad. But then he was sent out and you hadn't seen him since. There had been the occasions on your birthday where he would call you and you would cry about how much you missed him and how you wanted him home so desperately. Now he got to make that wish come true as he climbed up the stairs of the Summers' household. He approached Scott's room and he peeked in, and his heart nearly stopped then and there when he saw Scott trying to calm you down. He also saw the red begin to surround your hands. But before anything could happen, you lifted your head from your uncle Scott's shoulder and you opened your eyes, seeing your father standing at your door. 

"Daddy!" You cry out. You ran out of Scott's lap and straight towards your dad, who was squatting down and had his arms open. You ran straight into him and cried in joy as he picked you up. "You home!" You cry.

"Yep, daddy's home princess," He says, kissing your cheek, making you giggle. "I missed you so much Y/N. You've gotten so big! What age are you now, like 15?" He jokes. 

"No!" You say. "I four!" You tell him. He nods and smiles.

"That's way too old!" He says, faking a pout. You lift your arms up and move his mouth into a smile. 

"Happy daddy!" You cheer. Alex smiled and looked over to his brother, who had a smirk on his face.

"Happy to see me?" Alex asks his brother. Scott laughed and looked at his brother.

"No. You just called yourself 'Daddy'." Scott says, laughing. Alex rolled his eyes and looked down at you.

"Well Scott, when you're older and if you find a woman, you might also be getting called daddy, just maybe in different contexts" Alex comments. You looked up at him, the look of innocence on your face made Alex just want to gush over you.

"What that mean daddy?" You ask him. Alex looked down and grinned at you.

"Nothing sweetheart. Why don't you go wait in your room, I'll be in in a minute." He says as he put you on the floor. You nodded and walked into your room that used to be your dad's. Alex sighed and walked back into his brother's room. Scott looked up and smiled at his older brother.

"I am happy to see you, Alex, I missed you," Scott says. Alex smiled and put his hand on his brother's back. 

"I know, I missed you too Scott," Alex says. 

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