high hopes; The Avengers

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You loved your family. You knew you were adopted, but that didn't matter to you, all you knew and cared about was that you had found a family you could call yours. You were abandoned by your birth parents when you accidentally set your mom's dress on fire. They put you out on the street, and then you were taken to the orphanage. So, from the ages of 5 till 8, you had been to six different families, all of which had returned you to the orphanage. After that, people stopped trying with you. For 5 years, you lived in that orphanage. You had grown to expect to be taken back, trust issues had become a major obstacle for you. When you were adopted by Earth's Mightiest Heroes, you were very distant. If you got attached to them, that's when they would decide you were too dangerous and you couldn't be trusted, then they would send you back.


You were soaking as you sat down on the bench of the quinjet. You couldn't bear to meet the disappointed gazes of your teammates. You had injured Sam, again. You still hadn't learned to completely control your powers, so when you become completely engulfed in flames, you mistook Sam for an agent.  His side was burned, and no matter how many times he told you that he knew it was a mistake, you couldn't accept that. You could have killed him. Thor had to start a rainstorm to cool you off, and even at that, it was a stretch. As the rest of the team boarded the jet, you moved away from the team and sat on your own in a secluded area. The jet landed and you were the first off, running up to your room. You kept your suit on, it was the only thing you owned that you couldn't burn. 

"She can't control them, there's-"

"There's what, Tony? She's sixteen!" You peaked your head out and heard them yelling. "When we brought Wanda back, she couldn't control her powers," Steve added on.

"Wanda's powers didn't make her a danger to anyone," Clint commented. 

"Look, Captain Rogers, we know you love the Miss Y/N, but we can't keep letting this happen," Vision added on. You were emotionally preparing yourself for the inevitable. 

"We can't do that to her-" Natasha says sternly.

"Oh no? Why not, Nat? Because one more slip up could kill herself or one of us, she's dangerous and even she knows it. We tried to help, but maybe we have to realize we can't help everyone," Tony says. "Since I'm in charge, I say we send her back, for her and our benefit." And there was the punchline. No matter how many times you heard it, it always hurt more than the last. You hung your head and walked back to your room, shutting it gently, despite the urge to slam it.

"Who's going to tell her then, Stark? Who gets to tell her that the best family she's probably ever been in doesn't want her anymore and is gonna take her back to a shitty orphanage?" Bucky asked him. 

"I'll tell her, since you're making me out to be the bad guy for protecting her and us." Tony said. Steve scoffed and shook his head.

"You don't care about protecting anybody other than yourself, Tony," He said as he walked out of the room. Tony left the room and walked to yours, knocking on the door.

"Kid, open the door," He said. You sighed as you stood up, opening the door. "Hey,"

"Hey, is Sam okay?" It hurt to pretend that everything was normal when it was so far from it. Tony nodded. "What's-what's going on?" You asked him. Tony let out a huff.

"Listen-uh, we need to talk," He stuttered. Your heart grew heavy with every passing minute. "You-we-you're going back, Y/N. It isn't working out," He spat out. Tears came to your eyes and you nodded sadly. "I'm sorry, kid," He apologized.

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