-Drabbles- 1~3

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1. Sebastian Stan x Daughter!Reader

Super Secret Son

You were cuddled up in your blanket and into your dad's side as you watched your favourite Star Wars movie, 'Return Of The Jedi'

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You were cuddled up in your blanket and into your dad's side as you watched your favourite Star Wars movie, 'Return Of The Jedi'. You hid your face when you saw Jabba The Hut, even as a teenager, the slug-like creature still haunted both your dreams and nightmares.

"Really?" Your dad laughed and tried to move your head out. "C'mon, Y/N. You're 16, it shouldn't be as scary anymore," He joked. You huffed and looked up at him.

"You're telling me that he doesn't scare the shit out of you? Look at him!" You said. Sebastian gave you a warning glare about your language. "And anyway, I don't even know why I'm scared. You could easily defeat the thing anyway," You said. Sebastian gave you a confused look.

"Wait, how?" He asked. You huffed and rolled your eyes, throwing your hands up in the air for dramatic effect.

"Did you ignore the whole debate of you possibly being Mark Hamill's long lost son? Or did you block that out too?" He chuckled.

"No, Y/N. My father is not Mark Hamill, and lucky for him, because I know that you wouldn't stop pestering him and asking if he could help you meet Adam Driver," He teased you about the childish crush you had for Kylo Ren. You frowned and pouted.

"You win," You murmured. Sebastian nodded and ruffled your hair slightly.

"That's what I thought, sweetheart," You turned your attention back to the movie and watched as Luke Skywalker prepared to fight his father, Anakin Skywalker or otherwise known as Anakin Skywalker. You had nearly fallen asleep. "I am a Jedi, like my father before me," You heard your dad quote. You laughed.

"See! This is why people think that you could be Mark Hamill's super-secret son!" You exclaimed.

"I really don't see why you're so adamant about this," He said.

"Because it could be true," You snapped back.

"I hate to burst your bubble, sweetheart, but it's not true," He said in a sing-song voice. "Anyway, we're nearly done," He pointed out. In the space of about 20 minutes, you had managed to fall asleep on the couch. Sebastian sighed as he picked you up, he didn't really have the heart to wake you since you looked so peaceful. He carried you to your room and made sure that you were comfortable in your bed before he left your room. As he walked away from your bed, you turned on your side to face him.

"Are you sure Luke Skywalker isn't my grandpa?" You asked him sleepily.

"Go to sleep,"


2.  Sebastian Stan x Daughter!Reader

Wake Up, Sunshine 

You lay in your bed, it might have been 2 in the afternoon. Sebastian had told you multiple times that you had to get back into some sort of routine, otherwise, he would take your laptop off of you. Which you quickly reminded him that was how you did your schoolwork, then he was mumbling to himself about how he missed when he could just ground you for a few days.

"Well, might as well," You heard your dad say from downstairs. He had been posting a lot more on Instagram, which had stan Twitter going into an even bigger shitshow than it already was. There was silence for a few seconds before he spoke again. "Y/N hasn't shown any sign of life at all today, so this might wake her up," He said. You furrowed your eyebrows, and groaned when he started playing 'Last Christmas' by Wham! You got out of your bed and slipped a hoodie on, and then stood at the top of the stairs.

"What the fuck?!" You yelled. Sebastian laughed and turned to face you, turning the camera around as well so he could show everyone that followed him that you usually looked like a zombie from 'The Walking Dead', first thing in (what used to be the morning) afternoon.

"2021, Y/N!" He cheered. You looked at him in complete and utter annoyance. He stopped filming and looked up at you. "What, did you not like your alarm clock?" He asked you. You huffed and looked at him from the top of the stairs, where you were still standing.

"No, I didn't. Why not choose a good Christmas song?" You asked him. The look he gave you was one that someone you had just shot would have given you. "Anyway, I'm going back to bed,"

"Wait- Did you just suggest that Last Christmas isn't a good Christmas song? Y/N Stan, I raised you better than that!"


3. Headcanons for being Ransom Drysdales Daughter

- Being a spoilt brat

- Like father like daughter

- Looking exactly alike

- Surprisingly, being an only child

- Meaning you were given all of your dad's attention as a child

- Public school? We don't know her.

- You've never made dinner for yourself

- As a child, you were the literal embodiment of satan

- Unless Grandma Linda was looking after you, then you behaved like an angel

- You only got along with about 3 members of your family, all being either your dad or grandparents

- Wanting kick the everloving shit out of Jacob

- Having a mutual hatred for each other

- Possibly being the biggest bitch in the family

- Finding Meg's diary and laughing at it

- Hating anyone who doesn't go to a private school

- I.E. Meg

- Having the attitude and sass of a Drysdale

- Ransom and you making fun of your mom

- Your mom is a bitch to you

- "You're exactly like your father!"

"Could be worse, I could be exactly like you"

- She didn't want to see you anymore

- In general, you were the female version of Ransom.

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