Bad Decisions, That's Alright{S.Rogers}

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You groan as you stretch out your limbs. Today, is the day you've been dreading for the past 3 months, the new recruit's coming. It's not that you're not willing to accept her, you're just scared of losing your family, is all. You were the one that was always forgotten about, according to everyone else, you can take care of yourself and that you don't need a buddy with you at all times. So most times on a mission, you had to hide multiple injuries from everyone, including your dad, Steve. Bucky was really the only one that seemed to care for you at most times. And don't get it twisted, Steve cares, he really, truly does, but sometimes he puts irrelevant stuff before you, most times resulting in him gaining something and you losing something.


"Y/n, come on, she's going to be here soon!" Steve calls up to you. You roll your eyes and force yourself up and out of bed, walking into the bathroom. You jump and yell when you see yourself in the mirror, looking like something straight of The Walking Dead. You hop into the shower and clean yourself, then getting out and dressing into a sweatshirt and a pair of black ripped jeans. You hear cheering from down the hall. You walk down the hall and see her.

"Y/n, This is Monica Miller, Monica this is Y/n Rogers." Tony says, introducing her to you.

"Oh my gosh! You're Y/n Rogers! I am such a big fan" She says, gushing over you. You gag internally and walk towards her.

"Yeah thanks, welcome to the team" You say, making it seem as though you're happy. You hold your hand out her and shake it. You turn back around and see Bucky looking at you, his eyebrow raised.

"Well Monica, lets show you around and then we can see what you can do" Steve says, smiling at her. A blush creeps across her face and you physically gag. You turn around and walk away, back into the safety of your room. You throw yourself down on the bed and groan. 

" 'I'm such a big fan' " You say, mimicking Monica's irritating and whiny voice. "Big fan of what? The fact that I can take a gut twice my size down with a punch and a few other abilities?" You say to yourself. You grab your phone and put your earphones in, drowning out the world around you. You look up at your ceiling until a knock makes you jump off of your bed. 

"Come in" You say, rubbing the side of your hip you fell on. Into your room walks Monica, great. 

"Y/n, your dad says he wants to see you in the training room, we're waiting for you" She informs you. 

"Tell them I'll be there in a minute" You say, standing up and fixing your shirt. 

"Well I was thinking that maybe we could walk there together, get to know each other." She offers. You turn around to face her.

"Thank's but no thanks" You say, walking past her briskly. You walk into the training room and everyone gets excited, thinking that it's the young and amazing new recruit, but their excitement dies down when they realise it's only you. "Don't worry, it's no one important" You say quietly. A few seconds later, Monica walks in and everyone gets happy again, except you. Your dad walks forward.

"Now Monica, we want to see what you can do, power wise. The floor's yours okay?" He says. Monica smiles and nods. She walks onto the mat and closes her eyes, taking a few deep breaths. In a few moments, she's surrounded by flames. You smirk to yourself and put your hand behind your back, holding two fingers and using your telekinesis to hit Monica with a medicine ball. You hit her on the stomach with it and she yelps, the fire disappearing and falling to the floor.

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