Altered Minds; P.Parker x Barnes!Reader

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The rest of the team watched as Tony and Bucky bickered about whose fault it was on sending you and Peter on the mission, alone. 

"I told you that it wasn't a good idea, Stark. But no, the billionaire with his head stuck up his ass knows best," Bucky retaliated. Tony scoffed and laughed at your father.

"Well, I just thought that one of them know's HYDRA's tricks and that they wouldn't fall victim to them again," Tony remarked. Bucky froze and give Tony a look of death, Tony deeply regretted his choice of words at this point. "Shit," He murmured under his breath.

"I'm gonna pretend that I didn't hear that, Stark," Bucky practically growled. "We have bigger problems right now, one that includes my daughter so if we're done here I'd like to get my child back," Bucky walked away from the group.

"He has a point, Tony. He told you that both of them would never be able to do a mission like this," Natasha commented. "I mean, could you do it?" She asked him.

"No, but that isn't the point," He said. "The point was that I wanted to show everyone that those kids aren't just kids, they're superheroes like we are," Tony added on. Steve sighed and looked over.

"And your way of proving said point was to send them on a potentially life-threatening mission?" Steve asked. Tony sighed and threw his hands up defensively.

"Look, I couldn't exactly whip out a crystal ball and do some Houdini crap and predict that they would get captured," He assessed. "Anyway, Barnes is right, both of them are out there in god knows what condition, we should focus on finding them,"


A sharp pain in the back of your head forced you awake. You groaned and squinted your eyes at the bright light being shone in your eyes. You tried to move your arms to shield your face, but they were tied behind your back, intertwined with Peter's.

"Miss Barnes, it's always a pleasure to see you,"  Looking up, you remembered him as one of your handlers. "I like your little friend, he is very protective of you. Are you in love with him, Y/N?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, Fuckface," You spat at him. "If you touch him, I'll kill you," You threatened him as he woke up Peter. He used the same method he used to wake you up on Peter.

"Oh Y/N, I'm counting on it," He said. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, but you became concerned when Peter yelped and woke up. "So, you're the spiderman that everyone praises. My god, If you knew half of the things that Y/N done with us here years ago, you would never look in her direction again, it broke our hearts to see our best asset abandon us," 

"She only did those things because you were controlling her!" Peter yelled. You were dreading what was going to happen and the pain that would come with it. You weren't worried about yourself, god no, they could do whatever they wanted to you, you could care less. But it was Peter, who you were worried about. "So what do you do now?" Peter asked. You sighed in defeat.

"Y/N, for 100 marks, please tell Peter what's gonna happen to both of you," He said. You looked up at him and growled.

"Fuck you," You looked to the side. "Peter-"

"Ahem, You still have to answer, Y/N," He stood in front of you. You stood your ground and said nothing, making him grow impatient. He struck you across the jaw.

"Y/N!" Peter cried out. You gulped and sighed.

"They-They're gonna hurt us, Peter," You told him.

"Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner. I think Y/N deserves a special prize for her efforts!" He cheered. "You get to watch him get wiped-"

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