Girls And Boys; C.Evans

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anonymous asked:

hi! can I request a Jaeden Martell x Evans!Reader were Chris isn't at the house for the weekend and lets his daughter have her boyfriend over, and maybe one of her aunts or uncles comes over and doesn't know that Jaeden and the reader are together and thinks that Chris doesn't know? Then everyone freaks out because they still think the reader's a little kid and that she's too young to have a boyfriend. Thank you so much, I love your work!

Warnings; None 

Word Count; 2.5k

A/N: This is just pure fluff between Jaeden and the reader, Scott also features here because I make the rules. Also, this is my first official fic that's coming from my short hiatus. I had to take some time for myself because I didn't like the headspace I was in, but I'm gonna be back and getting back to normal within time, so for that reason, requests are closed. Any requests sent in will be answered and told that I won't be working on them. As for this, I hope you all like this, and I hope the anon who requested enjoys!


"Okay, Y/N, no wild parties," Your dad said, putting his jacket on. You took your car keys and hung the keyring off of your finger.

"You know I don't have enough friends to through a normal party, nevermind a wild party," You told him. "It's just gonna be me and Jaeden, I promise," You assured him. Chris sighed as he patted Dodger on the head, telling him that he would see him on Sunday.

"I think I'm more worried about that, I can't believe I'm trusting you to be alone with your boyfriend," Chris said, putting his suitcase in the trunk of your car. You closed it behind him, letting it close and then lock gently.

"Well, that makes both of us. I was more confused when you agreed the first time and I didn't have to pull up the presentation and flip chart that I had prepared with all of the reasons you should let him stay over," You told him, getting into your car and switching the ignition. You drove and dropped your dad off at the airport, assuring him that you would call him if anything happened and you needed any help, and then you went to pick up Jaeden. 

"Hey," He said, getting into the passenger side of your car. "You look nice," He said as you pulled out of his driveway and out onto the road.

"Really? I look terrible, but only because I couldn't do my makeup because my dad was freaking out about how he was gonna miss the flight if I put any on," You told him.

"And did he miss his flight?" Jaeden asked. 

"No, it doesn't leave for another 2 hours!" Jaeden started laughing. "At least he's gone, though. No one should have to drop in on us,"

"Yeah, I don't think your aunt Carly likes me," Jaeden said. 

"Uh-huh, that's only because you were sitting on top of me and walking into a teenager's room and seeing that with no prior context can be a little confusing or upsetting," You told him. "And anyway, I told her what was actually going on when she walked in,"

"Oh yeah, and what did she say? I'm totally gonna believe that you and your boyfriend were not about to do to the dirty?"

"When I say you were spot on, I say that with no sarcasm whatsoever," You told Jaeden, who groaned. "Calm down, I think  Scott likes you," You tried to assure him as you pulled into the garage of your house. Jaeden turned to you, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You think? Thank you, that's assuring," He said sarcastically, taking his bag and getting out of your car and shutting the door gently. 

"It's better than nothing!" You reasoned. "Dodger! C'mere buddy, who's here to see you?!" You called out to your dog, smiling when you heard his paws skidding across the floors and out into the garage where you and Jaeden were standing. Jaeden crouched down when Dodger barreled into the garage.

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