Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Bucky Won't Hesitate To Hurt You

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In the three years you've been with the Avengers, the one you've found yourself closest to is the winter soldier himself, James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes. You both have a similar background, you were a smaller, yet stronger replica of Bucky. He was the one who found you laying in a heap in the middle of your cell in the middle of the HYDRA base you were being kept in at the time. To say you were terrified of everyone in the compound was an understatement, you had heard such bad things about the Avengers, yet here they were, saving you from the organisation that had made your life a living hell for a few years too many. When you were first taken into the compound, you followed Bucky around like a lost little puppy. You were petrified to be around anyone else,they were all so tall compared to your 5 foot self.  You're the definition of adorable, you have big Y/E/C eyes, Y/H/C wavy hair and the perfect amount of freckles splattered across your face. If only the personality matches the way you look. You hate who you were. The mindless and obedient soldier that HYDRA had so carefully stitched together. Bucky knew how you were feeling, hell he was there himself not that long ago. He knew the nightmares, the anxiety attacks, and the mentality that came with coming from HYDRA. You're the walking and talking definition of shy. You always have to hide yourself if you're with someone, if you're being forced to one of Starks parties you can usually be found hiding behind Bucky and following him like a shadow. So, when you got enrolled into Mid Town, you were less than pleased to leave. Tony was so scared of you, that he had told Bucky, who had to tell you. Tony was legitimately scared you would've stabbed him right then and there, but Bucky assured him you wouldn't do that, but Bucky ended up telling you. So on your first day, you made your first ever friend, Peter Parker. You found his enthusiasm funny, the way he talked about Star Wars made it sound like the most interesting thing in the world. You found a new potential archenemy, his name, Flash Thomson.


You've definitely gotten more used to the idea of school, you still like the same people and hate the same. Either way, it didn't stop you from feeling like all eyes are on you as you walk down the halls. The whispers still haven't stopped.

I heard she can kill someone with a pencil

She's a monster, she should be locked up for what's she's done

Who let her out of that base? She's a danger to society

And no matter what you did to try and help your case, people still walked away when they seen you walking down the hall. You always end up working alone in classes, Peter and Ned usually working together. But you never once complain, always getting your head down and keeping on keeping on. 


You walk down the hall, your hood up and head down. You look down at the floor as if it's the most interesting thing in the world. You go through the usual routine, ignoring the stares and whispers you're receiving. You sigh as you see Flash walking towards you. You walk past him and sigh in relief, but the feeling of relief disappears when you get dragged back by the neck of your hoodie. Flash slams you into a wall and you grunt, hiding a yelp.

"Hey freak, what you got for me today? Money?" He says. You shake your head. You whimper as you see a crowd gathering around you. "Aw, is the little freak scared? I didn't think people like Y/N L/N could be as pathetic as this.'" He mocks you.

"F-Fu-Fuck o-off, F-Flash" You stutter out.

"D-D-D-Don't St-Stut-Stutter i-it-it's rude" He mocks you. "You should disappear, no one likes you. God knows why the Avengers took you in, you're just a ticking time bomb that's gonna explode and take out everyone in the near radius. You're a fucking monster" Flash says, letting you go. You look around as everything begins to spin around you. You hold your head in your hands as you sob.


Bucky waits in the car, the time reading 1535. School got out 10 minutes ago, yet you aren't out yet. What catches his eye, is a group of teenager crowing around two people. He gets out of the car and watches as something goes down. He hears your name being mentioned, and not in the way he'd hoped to have heard it. He walks over and watches as Flash assaults you and no one does anything to stop it. The thing he finds worst, is that you don't do anything back, even after the past you've had, you don't want to hurt him. He walks over and pushes through the group of teenagers and walks to the front.

"Hey!" His voice booms. Flash turns around and sees Bucky, who has a look of pure rage on his face. "What do you think you're doing?" Bucky says. Flash laughs and looks down at you as you cry into your hands.

"Look at her, she's a pathetic excuse for a superhero" Flash mocks you. Bucky narrows his eyes at the spoilt teen.

"And what are you, some pathetic high school bully?" Bucky says. Flash looks taken aback by his comment and goes to say something. "No, now you step back from her, leave her the hell alone, and never step in her way again." Bucky says. "Do I make myself completely clear?" He says. Flash gulps and nods, scurrying away from the fuming winter soldier. The rest of the people walk away, leaving just you and Bucky. "Y/n, It's okay doll, I'm here" Bucky says, getting your attention.

"B-Bucky?" You say, your voice above a whisper.

"Yeah, lets get you home, okay?" He says, holding his hand out to you. You nod and take his hand, letting him pull you up. He puts his arm around you as you walk back to his car, saying nothing to him.

"B-Bucky?" You say, your voice above a whisper.

"Yeah, lets get you home, okay?" He says, holding his hand out to you. You nod and take his hand, letting him pull you up. He puts his arm around you as you walk back to his car, saying nothing to him.


You get back to the compound, and with Flash's words still playing in your head, all you want to do is pack your things and go live in a hole. It'd probably be better for the team, as Flash said, You're a ticking time bomb that's going to explode, might as well explode on your own and save a couple lives, lives that matter. You walk to your room and sigh, thinking over the plan. Would it really be so bad? You walk over to your wardrobe, pulling out potential outfits that you could take with you. A sudden knock on the door knocks off your concentration.

"Come in" You say, throwing the clothing back into your closet. The door opens to reveal Bucky walking through.

"Can we talk?" He asks. You don't answer, knowing there isn't really a way out of the conversation. "I just want you to be honest, okay?" He says. You nod in response. "How long has this been happening?" He questions you.

"A year" You murmur quietly.

"A year? Y/n, why didn't you tell me?" He says. Your eyes burn with tears.

"I-I w-was scared. H-He said if I-I to-ld anyone, he's ma-ake i-it w-w-orse" You stutter out. Bucky knows that happens when you're nervous.

"Think of what you want to say, then say it, don't be nervous" He encourages you. You take a deep breath.

"I was scared. He s-said if I told anyone, h-he'd make it worse" You say clearly.

"Y/n, what he was saying, none of it was true." Bucky says.

"But it is! He's right Bucky, everything he said is right and there's nothing anyone can say to change it! I'm a monster, the sooner you accept it the better" You say. Bucky's heart breaks at your words.

"So that's what that little dickhead said? Y/n, please don't say that. You aren't a monster, please, please don't tell yourself that" Bucky says, wrapping his arms around you as you break down in tears. "It's okay, I'm here" He says. "I'm sorry I wasn't here then, but I am now" He says into your hair. When you stop crying, he takes your chin in his hand gently and tilts your head up. "I love you, Y/n. Please know that" He says.

"I know, Bucky. I love you too"

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