The Bastards; Series [Part Two]

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Word Count; 2.7k

Part Two; Massacre, The New American Dream

A/N; I have no clue what Bucky's other two sisters are called but I made up a name for one of them, but I wanna say thank you all so much for the love for this series!

"How's This For The American Dream?"


You pulled your mask up to cover the bottom half of your face, the goggles down to hide your eyes. You stood on the rooftop of the building and looked down, following the blue and red lights of the NYPD police cars to where the hotel was, then you spotted the black Audi that you could assume had Sam and Bucky inside of it. Jumping down onto the roof below you, you followed the lights of the police cars and jumped from roofs to get there, with no close calls, of course, you were trained well, as much as you hated to admit it. Standing on the hotel of the roof, you heard yelling coming from below you, it was the police.

"NYPD Drop your weapons!" An officer called. Zemo laughed and turned to face the police, a wicked and twisted grin on his masked face. 

"And what will you do if I don't have any weapons?" Zemo asked, cocking his eyebrow. Sam and Bucky parked the black Audi a block away from what was going on and they then decided to make their way around to the hotel. The police moved out of the way as the Falcon and The Winter Soldier made their way to the front. "Sargeant Barnes and Sam Wilson, what a lovely surprise," Zemo said as if he was remembering a fond memory.

"Who let you outta your cage, Zemo?" Sam asked. Zemo chuckled and pulled a small gun out from his pocket. "Careful, that doesn't look like a toy,"

"Would you like to find out if it's a toy?" Zemo asked tauntingly. The hostages whimpered and screamed as he shot a warning bullet into the air. "Seems pretty real to me," He said, almost as if he was admiring the gun in his hand. Zemo turned back to the hostages and grinned through the purple mask he had on.

"You didn't answer our question," Bucky reminded him. Zemo ignored him and held the weapon out in front of him.

"Eenie," He pointed at the first person. "Meenie, Minie, Mo," He moved to the next three. Continuing the game, the suspense was killing everyone. You listened for any sign of the two you were assigned to protect being put under harm. A car pulled up behind the hotel, you walked to the other side of the roof and saw a group of about 12 men pile out of different blacked out cars.

"Okay, what are you planning, Zemo," You said under your breath. They went into the back of the hotel, and you winced at the gunshots you heard from the back entrance of the hotel. They weren't your people to worry about, though. 

"I am afraid I have been stalling, gentlemen. These hostages are as good as dead, they always were. And now, you will join them," That was your cue. Sighing, you looked down, you weren't high up, but you weren't low down either. At least you weren't high up enough to break any bones with your jump. You grimaced as you swung your legs over the edge of the building then came off of it. You landed on your feet in front of Bucky and Sam, just as Zemo was about to give the signal to start shooting. "And who would you be?" Zemo asked you. 

"I'm no one," You told him. Zemo made a confused face, one that became a maniacal grin.

"Well, If you're no one, then you can be the first to go," He said. You nodded and reached for the small smoke bombs you had in your pocket. Zemo grabbed your shoulder and pushed you into the middle of the circle of men that came in through the back, and judging by the blood on their black suits, they hadn't taken any prisoners. You held the small explosives in your hands as Zemo forced them up onto the side of your head. Sam and Bucky stood defensively, ready to go in for an attack at any moment. They were also confused, where did you come from and more importantly, who are you?  "Whenever you're ready, gentlemen," He said. You smirked under your mask and stood up to your feet, throwing the small explosives on the floor and setting them off. The people holding the guns coughed and dropped their weapons.

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