I Like You Better When You're Sick {Sebastian Stan}

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The sound of pained groaning awoke your dad from his room. He sits up on his bed and slides on a t-shirt, then walks down the hallway to your room. He knocks on the door.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" He asks you.

"I'm dying" You say, your voice hoarse from coughing. Sebastian opens the door and sees under 2 layers of duvets and your old baby blanket around you.

"I think that's a little dramatic" He says. You poke your head out from the mass of duvet and look at him.

"No, I have decided I'm dying and there's nothing you can say or do to change it" You say, making your dad laugh at you. You bury yourself deeper into your cave of warmth, hiding from your dad.

"So if I offered up my bed, ice cream and cuddles you'd still be adamant that you're dying?" He offers. Your head makes another appearance as you cock your eyebrow at him.

"And any TV show I wanna watch?" You reason with him.

"I can make that happen" He says. You think for a moment, considering his offer.

"Okay, deal." You say. You kick the pile of blankets off of yourself, but quickly regret as a chill washes over your body and your legs begin to feel like jelly. You give yourself a minute before rolling yourself up and sitting on your bed. Your dad walks over to you and sits on the edge of your bed beside you, he then puts the back of his hand on your forehead, but quickly moves it back when he feels your temperature.

"Okay, so we can establish you aren't dying, you just have a cold, dragă" He says. You groan and stand up, but the room spins and you crash back down onto your bed. "Slow down, I don't need you passing out" Your dad says. He stands up and walks to your door.

"Do you want ice cream or not?" He says. You go to shoot up from your messy bed. "Slowly, get up" He says.


Sebastian stands at the kitchen counter, a tub of yours and his' favourite tub of ice cream open. Besides yours is a strip of painkillers, that your dad knows you won't take willingly. He sighs as he pops two of them out of the packet and grabs a spoon from the cutlery drawer. He crushes both of the pills and puts them in your ice cream tub, covering them up. He grabs a glass from the cupboard and pours some flavoured water into it. He takes the tubs of ice cream back to his room and places them at his bedside table. He walks back into your room and sees a note on your dresser and walks over, picking it up.

"In shower, i'll be ready in five :)" He reads aloud. He places the note back down when he hears the water shutting off. He walks out and closes the door to your room.

You get out of the shower and get dressed, putting your damp hair into two french braids. You pull on one of your dads old hoodies, which could swallow you whole. You walk into his room and see him laying on the bed, the TV remote in his hand and two tubs of ice cream beside him. You both begin laughing about nothing as you flop down on the spot beside him.

"Okay kiddo, what you wanna watch?" He asks you. You think for a minute before finalising your answer.

"Supernatural" You confirm with him. He nods and clicks down on it, playing a random episode from season 3. He hands you your ice cream, which you happily eat and don't taste the pain killers through. About halfway through the episode, Sebastian notices you getting more lethargic and tired. He puts his arm around you and pulls you into his side, the heat radiating off him warming you up nicely. You fight to try and stay awake, but you soon lose the fight and push yourself further into your dad. You fall into a welcoming sleep against your dad, whose arm wraps around you.


You wake up a few hours later, still feeling groggy, but not as bad as you felt. Sebastian jumps awake at your awakening. You look at him with confusion.

"Did...Did you drug me?" You ask him. He struggles to find an answer.

"If I'd have given them to you normally, would you have taken them?" He says. You sigh and shake your head. "So no, I didn't drug you" He says, pulling you back down by the hood of his sweatshirt. "Now lie back down, i was perfectly comfortable." He says, putting his face into his pillow. You lie back down and stare up at the ceiling, your breathing heavy and loud due to your blocked nose. "You know what?" Your dad says.

"No I don't, what?" Your groggy voice says.

"I think I like you better when your sick. I mean, you're just a lot more...ah I don't know? Cuddly?" Sebastian says. You pout in confusion and then nod.

"So I should just be sick all the time?" You say, once again feeling tired.

"If it means i get to cuddle with my daughter all day then yes please"

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