'Cause After All, You're My Wonderwall {Chris Evans}

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Everyone had bad days, your dad had always told you that. So naturally when you had a bad day, you'd have thought you'd would've been able to keep going around, business as usual. But it turns out you couldn't. Nothing could shake you of a bad day. It wasn't necessarily the events of said day, it was how you were feeling, what you were feeling. You always felt the same on these days, tired, sick, in general, like shit. No one knew were it stemmed from, not even the doctors. You were a happy, healthy child, raised just by your father, but one day you came home from school and you just stormed up to your room with out muttering a word to your dad. That confused him, you always gave him a hug and told him about your day. He thought maybe someone had said something about your mom, she was never really in the picture, but you and your dad are fine by yourselves. But that day, Chris knew something'd changed and not necessarily for the better. He left you for an hour, but that turned into two, then the two turned into three. Soon enough the sun disappeared and you still hadn't been downstairs. Chris gets off of the couch and tells Dodger to run up to your room and he'll be up soon. He gets you a glass of water from the kitchen, then goes up the stairs to your room. 

"Y/n" He says, knocking your door. It opens itself and Dodger runs in and onto your bed. You halfheartedly pet him, which immediately sets something off in Chris. He walks into your room and sees your mascara running down your cheeks, eyes red and puffy and your nose red. You break down again as your dad walks towards you. He sits down on your bed and brings you into a hug. He rubs your arms as you calm down.

"You wanna tell me what happened?" He asks you. You sniffle and nod.

"I just had a really bad day. I got into an argument with my friend and they sad some really mean stuff, then I broke my phone and stuff started making it worse." You say.

"What stuff?" He asks you.

"I don't know. Just bad thoughts, I don't know what's going on dad" You say.

"It's okay, Y/n. It's just a bad day" He says, rubbing your arms as you lean against him. You nod and sniffle. "If it ever gets worse, please tell me." He tells you. You smile and look up at him sadly.

"You wanna know what they said?" You say. Chris sighs and nods. "They- they said the reason mom left was because I wasn't good enough" You say, breaking down in tears again. He seemingly gets angry by the comment, but understandably so. How could a bunch of 13 year olds be so cruel to one another? He sighs.

"You know that isn't true, right?" You say nothing in reply, causing Chris to kneel down in front of you. "You are good enough, Y/n. Your mom left because she wasn't ready to be a parent, well neither was I, but we're doing great. You don't need a mom, you have a really cool dog and even better dad." He says. You laugh and look at him, a cheerier look on your face. "There's that smile!" Your dad cheers.


Two years later, you still had bad days. But today just made you feel like total shit. You just felt...bleh. That's a word, 'bleh'. To you, it was feeling down and not being able to be happy. The only thing that happened to solve it was spending time with the man, the myth, the legend, your father, Chris Evans. It was 10am by the time you woke up this morning, and you felt and looked like literal death. You trudged down from your room and into the living room, where you seen your dad lounging on the couch, Dodger laying across his lap and the football highlights playing in the background while he scrolls through his phone. He becomes aware of your presence when he hears your blanket sliding off of your shoulders and onto the floor as you get a glass from the cupboard. You say nothing as you fill the glass with water and walk over to your dad and throwing yourself down beside him. He puts his arm around you.

"One of those days?" He asks you. You nod in response to his question. He stands up and walks over to the kitchen, pulling out all the vital ingredients for your 'bad day breakfast' as he calls it. "You, go shower and I'll make you breakfast." He tells you. You nod and go up to the bathroom, getting showered and drying off. You slip on one of your dads hoodies that fits you like a short dress and an old pair of pyjama bottoms. You walk back downstairs just in time for your dad plating breakfast for you him, and of course, Dodger. He hands you a plate and you sit at the table across from your dad. You pick at your food before eventually eating it, realising mama Evans won't give up that easy. He takes the plates away and you walk over to the couch.

"Okay, Stranger things or Y/F/M?" He asks you. You think for a second 

"Y/F/M" You confirm with him. He puts it on the TV and brings over possibly the biggest load of junk food you've ever seen. You smile at him and he returns the smile as he sits beside you, wrapping an arm around you protectively. Towards the end of the movie, you hit a sugar crash from all of the candy you ate and fall asleep next to your dad. Chris only notices when you let out a soft snore and he smiles, pulling you onto his lap and holding you close to him. Your head rests on his shoulder as he heaves himself off of the couch and carries you up the stairs and into your room. He sets you down on your unmade bed and pulls your covers over you, tucking an old teddy bear under your arm that you would die over if your friends found out you owned it. But really, you couldn't care if your friends found out. It's yours, well technically it was your dads from when he was a kid, but then your grandma gave it to you and you never gave it up. It was your comfort for when your dad was away for filming for long periods of time, it gave you a piece of him to think about and to be honest it still does. Chris walks away from your bed and smiles as he leaves your room.

"Sleep tight, Y/n" 

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