The Kids Aren't Alright; S.Rogers

2.4K 31 2

Warnings; Violence, Demonic possession, swearing, mentions of murder,

Word count 2.3k


Hushed whispers woke you up from you thought was the nap you had been taking on the couch in the common room beside Bucky. But when you opened your eyes, you found that you weren't in the common room, but a sterile white room surrounded by people that you didn't know. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at you, one of them, in particular, had a widespread grin on his face.

"I see our latest test is awake," He said.

"Test? Where the hell am I?" You asked. He chuckled and pulled up a chair, swinging it in front of you and sitting on it. You were tied to a table, tight restraints around your wrists and ankles, they weren't going to take any risks with Captain America's daughter. "Is this HYDRA?" You asked. He laughed and feigned offence.

"You're comparing us to that failure? Dear God, no. We aren't HYDRA, we aren't anyone, really. We just take people we feel would be perfect for what we do," He spoke. You furrowed your eyebrows and narrowed your eyes at him.

"And what do you do?" You enquired. He clapped his hands together and smiled fondly.

"We find artifacts that we believe have some sort of spirit belonging to them, we find a suitable host to let them possess and we see what they can do, and in your case, Y/N Rogers, you get the polar opposite of who you are. 'America's Golden Girl', will be no more," He said. He was handed a briefcase that on the inside, was heavily padded and protected. "I would tell you this won't hurt, but it will," He added on. He picked up a small statue that looked hundreds, possibly thousands of years old. Your breathing picked up as he sighed, looking at it lovingly, and then at you. He could barely contain his excitement, the bright Y/E/C that shone in your eyes would disappear to black and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Suddenly, the glass doors of the room were blasted into shards and three of the Avengers stood mere metres away from you. Steve sighed in relief, you looked a little beaten, probably from struggle when they took you, but you were alive.

"Let her go," Steve commanded. The man in front of you grinned and stood up, still holding the statue in his hands.

"Captain Rogers, what would you do to keep your little girl safe?" He asked your father, fiddling with the top of the statue. Steve tightened his grip on his shield and stared the man down.

"Anything and everything," Steve replied solemnly. You smiled at him, but it didn't last long. He cracked open the head of the statue and black mist came out of it and towards you. You tried to hardest to move away, but you found yourself slumping forward in your restraints. 

"Clearly, you lied about that, Mr. Rogers," He said. Steve looked back to Bucky and nodded. "Now, I'd love to stay and chit-chat but-" Steve grabbed his collar and threw him at the wall, making him hit the floor. 

"What the hell did you do to her?" Steve growled. Bucky undid your restraints and you fell forward into his arms. The man laughed in Steve's face.

"You will see when she wakes up, Captain. Your daughter as you knew her is gone," He said, a malicious grin on his face that Steve quickly wiped off with a sharp right hook. He was knocked out clean.

"uh, Steve? You might wanna get over here!" Sam yelled. Steve ran over and watched as you shook uncontrollably on the floor, trying your hardest to expel whatever had forced itself into your body. Then you stopped, just lying limp in front of Sam, Bucky and Steve. Steve picked you up and carried you out of the building they had previously tracked you to. The drive back to the compound was silent, too silent. You squirmed and whimpered a few times, still trying desperately to get rid of whatever was in you. When they arrived back at the tower, Steve was the first to rush you to the med bay.

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