Won't Stop 'Til We're Legends; B.Barnes (Part Four)

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"I'm Captain America"

You furrowed your eyebrows and narrowed your eyes at the man standing in front of you. Everyone was silent, including Zemo. Sam and Bucky had freed themselves of the handcuffs chaining them to the table.

"Bullshit, you're not Captain America," You spat. "Sam is, Steve Rogers gave him, the shield.  Where did you buy yours? Party city?" Sam and Bucky chuckled quietly. 

"My name is-" Gunfire cut him off and everyone's heads turned to face Zemo, whose face held a smug smirk. 

"I'm afraid that I have been stalling you all, the place is surrounded by hundreds of armed fighters," He informed you. Pairs of heavy, thundering footsteps came bombing down the hallway. "You have no chance of escaping, unharmed that is," Zemo dropped a small bomb on the floor that once exploded, fogged everyone's vision. You managed to round up all of the smoke and get it to dissipate.

"You," You pointed to the US Agent, "Chase after him," You ordered. He gave you an angry look and stood up to you.

"No, I don't have to take orders from you," He said. You smirked and brought two fingers up to your temple.

"Chase him down," To him, your voice was distorted. And against his will, he left the room and chased down Zemo. You turned back to face your dad and Sam, who gave you bitchfaces. "What?"

"Nothing, come on, we have to get out of here," Sam said. You peaked your head out of the door but ducked back in when bullets were fired at you.

"We have a zero percent chance of taking them all down as a trio, they'd ambush us easily," You told them.

"So what do we do?" Bucky asks. You walked to the door and crouched down so they wouldn't see you. You inspected their plan, 4 groups of about 5 men, it couldn't be that hard.

"Okay, I can get each of us to a group, but the only problem is the fourth group," You sighed. "Or, we wing it," You suggested. Sam pointed at you and raised his eyebrow.

"Last time we let you wing it you were in the infirmary for 3 weeks because you nearly died," He pointed out. You shrugged your shoulders.

"I'm a changed woman now, Sam. And plus, that wasn't my fault," You defended yourself. Sam rolled his eyes and waited for you to further your plan. "You know what, fuck it," You said.

"No, No Y/N let's not-" You walked out of the room before your dad could finish his sentence. "Y/N!" He yelled. He and Sam ran out of the room and saw you knock out a uniformed agent with his own weapon. Sam threw his shield at the incoming agents, knocking a few of them back. Your attention turned to them and you grinned, but that didn't last much longer. A pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist and you struggled to get out.

"You are trapped, little girl," He said, his breath hot in your ear. You grimaced.

"Jesus Christ, I would tell you to brush your teeth, but there's no point in doing that if you're not going home," You commented. With the momentum you were secretly building up, you swung yourself upwards and sent the guy holding you to the floor. You heard his back crack and you got up and back onto your feet. You were nearly done, a sigh of relief left your lips. You were grabbed by the collar of your shirt and pinned to the floor. The agent's foot was pressed on your chest and you were trapped under his heavy-duty combat boots. You struggled, but twisted his ankle and he fell to the floor like a tree that had been cut down. Looking around, you noticed there was only one man left, and as soon as you were about to knock out the last guy, a shot rang out. 

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