Chapter 3

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Zöe :

I sat in my cabin and stared at the plain old ball point pen that sat on the floor next to me.

Of course though, it wasn't really a plain old ball point pen.

It was an ancient, magnificent powerful Greek sword.

Disguised as a pen.

Percy gave me riptide as a leaving present. I tried to refuse it, it was HIS sword. He said he didn't need it anymore, now that he and Annabeth had Zeus' safety blessing.

So here it is, sat in my cabin. Haunting me.

I didn't want the sword.

I've spent my whole life being ‘Percy Jackson's little sister’. And I was sick of it.

I would never be Percy. I would never be the hero that he was, he was truly brilliant.

And I resented him for it.

Because don't get me wrong, I love my brother.

I love him for than anyone else in the whole world, except maybes Annabeth. I love her just as much.

But I'm not my brother.

I'm always getting told. "You fight like your brother." Or: "Your so much like your brother." But maybes I don't want to be like Percy.

Maybes I want to just be me.

I shake my head and pick up riptide. Cautiously uncapping it, and watching as the sword elongated into a shining bronze weapon.

This doesn't have to be another reason for me to be like Percy.

This could be my chance to make something my own.

I can make this sword my own.

Riptide is mine now.

And I'm going to prove it.

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)Where stories live. Discover now