Chapter 26

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“Zöe, I've missed you.” Danny said, as the door had behind us he had grabbed my hand and gripped it hard.

I looked up at his big pleading brown eyes and suddenly felt a little uneasy. “It's only been a few days, Danny,” I tried to sound light. “And you barely know me... You can't miss me that much.” Though the look on his face said otherwise.

He kept hold of my hand, pulling me down the hall. It felt different holding his hand- to Damien's. Whereas Damien's was familiar and comforting. Danny's was new and foreign.

“I don't need to have spent years with you to be crazy about you. You're kind, brave, fierce, stubborn, loyal and beautiful. You're everything I've ever wanted in a girl.” He sounded like he was begging me, wanting me to say the same things back.

I shook my head, my heart was racing. This was all too much, how could he just say those things- like it was matter-of-fact. Like it didn't put me in a horrible position?

He took my hand, “Say something, Zo.” I suddenly recoiled, my eyes blazing.

“Don't call me that.” I was surprised by how cold my voice sounded, and clearly so was he.

“Why?” He asked, his expression hurt. “Damien-”

“Yeah.” I interrupted. “Damien calls me that. Only Damien.” I expected Danny to be angry or offended. Or look at me with those big sad eyes.

But instead he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. With his spare hand he cupped my chin, and lifted my head so I was looking up at him.

He leaned forward- our lips brushing. He was going to kiss me.

He was going to KISS me.

Part of me wanted to pull away, but part of me didn't.

We were going to kiss.

Could I let that happen?

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)Where stories live. Discover now