We stopped by a large cluster of boulders just inside the borders of the woodland that stretched out for miles and miles outside Camp Halfblood.
I never knew that the woods were that big, it was quite shocking really. But I never would've have the chance to know. I'd never been outside the borders of Camp Halfblood, except for the time where I'd stepped literally a metre out- to run to Zöe when Charlie went missing. And that was it. I'd never left the camp, and neither had my little brothers. It was strange, and it felt dangerous. But I liked it.
Zöe's face was scrunched up, “So, Rachel had to give up her role as oracle to marry Octavian. But Octavian didn't have to stop being the augur... Kinda sexist, don't you think?”
Damien laughed, shaking his head. “With everything going on right now, that's you're main worry?” He smirked. “A true feminist at heart, Zo.” She stuck her tongue out at him and he pulled on her ponytail, before she messed up his hair.
I snickered. “The sexual tension in the air could be cut with a knife.” That earned me a punch in the arm off Zöe.
Danny though, did not look at all light-hearted.
“Guys,” he said quietly. “What am I gonna do about my parents?” Damien frowned.
“Well, don't they know that you've been spending time with us? Or do they have no clue that you've been playing around in the ‘godly’ world?”
Danny shook his head. “They didn't know.”
Zöe tried for a reassuring smile. “You're mom is a smart woman. She'll have her suspicions. I'm sure she'll think to go to Chiron. And that's when they'll realise that we're all gone too. And then you'll be in the same boat as us.”
Danny nodded glumly, and got to his feet- looking unconvinced.
It was Damien who broke the awkward silence. “It's getting dark guys, maybe we should-” He never got to finish.
There was a snap of twigs and a rustle of leaves sounding behind us. Followed by a sharp hiss.
And that's when we realised that we weren't alone.

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)
FanfictionHere's the sequel to "Broken" written by Tyler Jane Smith. It's called “Percy Jackson's little sister” It's about Zöe and her life as a fifteen year old, it will involve a lot of drama, heartache, excitement and hopefully some classic feels. Enjoy...