Chapter 93

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For a moment, I just stared. I couldn't believe it. After everything I'd seen in that day, this was what had me completely speechless. It seemed impossible, but it wasn't.

The door was closing. This was all a trap. “KATIE!” Zöe screamed, snapping me out of my trance. “Katie, get Brooke out of here. And just run.” She'd finished off the last of the mortals, and was now sprinting towards Charlie. “NOW!” Brooke made a weak whimpering sound, and that really got me thinking straight. I didn't want to leave Zöe and Damien and Danny and Charlie. I didn't want to run off. But I had to. I had to save my sister.

Without another moment of hesitation, I hooked my arms under my sister's shoulders and sprinted for the door.

It was only a hundred or so metres away, and the door- or slab or rock, really- was moving slowly. Very slowly. Grinding and creaking with each small movement.

I held Brooke tightly, almost dragging her along. The blood was everywhere, all over Brooke's clothes, all over my hands- going right up to my elbows. She moaned softly, and I could feel my heart breaking in my chest. Slamming my feet into the hard rock floor, I picked up the speed.

I had to get there.

I was almost there was Zöe screamed loudly, a sound, not of pain, but of complete shock.

I tried to turn as I ran, and see what was going on.

But just as I caught a glimpse of Damien's pale, stricken face. I entered the world outside, tumbling onto the muddy, soft ground.

I wanted to run back and help. Something had gone wrong. I knew it for sure.

But one look at my sister told me I couldn't. She was loosing too much blood.

I held her head gently in my lap as I rummaged around in my bag from ambrosia, praying that the others would be out soon. And that my sister's heart would still be beating when they did.

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)Where stories live. Discover now