Chapter 89

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As soon as we walked into the cave, we were fired at.

Luckily, thanks to demigod ADHD, we have good reflexes. Everyone ducked, except Danny, but Katie pulled him to the ground with her.

It took me a minute to get my bearings.

The cave was larger than what I had first thought, it was a wide, high shelter with damp, slick stone walls. Twenty teenage, boys, mortals by the looks of things, stood in front of us, armed with a mixture of guns and knives. Behind them was a high; thick wooden pole, and tied to it by his wrists was Charlie. His was skinnier than he used to be, his bones standing out against his pale, blueish skin. Blood coated his shirt and sleeves, and purple bruises decorated his face. He was unconscious.

Bile rose in my throat. Tears welled in my eyes. I screamed his name. And then I screamed it again, and again.

The tallest and broadest of the boys stepped forwards, he was smiling. “So,” he smirked. “I'm guessing you're the famous aunt Zöe who the little man has been crying for.” I raised my eyes to his, and a fierce hatred washed over me, burning through my veins.

I ran my hand along the floor, desperate to find something. I couldn't hurt him with riptide. It would do no harm.

Damien shifted next to me, he too, was looking for a new weapon.

Then my hand gripped around something cold and metal. A gun.

I grabbed it, and then wrapped my small fingers around the handle.

I took a deep breath and counted.




With my heart in my throat, I jumped in the air, and smacked the but of the gun into the boys head. He crumpled to the ground with a moan.

And then, all Hades broke loose.

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)Where stories live. Discover now