Chapter 60

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We all turned together in a slow circle, as our prey laughed and licked their lips.

Somehow, without any of us noticing- a small army of monsters had creeped up on us. And now we were surrounded.

The front line of the circle was telekhines, their sleek smooth seal-like skin shining in the dim glow of the moonlight. Their lips pulled back into a snarl, and their brown eyes glistening with hate. Behind them were Empousi, hair alight and teeth bared. And behind them were roughly seven cyclops- standing about five feet tall- with scrappy clothes and wooden clubs- small spikes nailed into them at random intervals.

Riptide was already uncapped, and Zöe held the sword with a deadly tight grip- she was on her toes- eyes squinting- ready for a fight. Damien stood in the same stance- a dagger in each hand. And somehow, without even thinking about it- I'd unsheathed my spear- and was holding it in my right hand.

Then I remembered Danny.

A sudden desperate urge washed over me- and I felt the need to protect him with my life. I grabbed his shirt and yanked him to the side- shoving him into the bushes. He looked like he wanted to protest, but didn't. And I was grateful when he obediently lay down- hiding under the shelter of the leafy debris.

“Gaia sends her love.” Hissed one of the older Empousi, the moonlight bounced off her fangs- making them look even more deadly, and her eyes were full with a blazing, furious anger- so vicious that it sent shivers down my spine.

But my heart was pounding and my nerves tingled. I was ready for a fight. The adrenaline was already pumping through my veins. Everything else around me faded, and all I could see was the army.

I was going to kill them. They weren't going to hurt my friends.

A cyclops laughed. A manic, crazed laugh.

And then they charged.

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)Where stories live. Discover now