Chapter 37

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A small line of sweat appeared against the wall as I slid down it. I rested back against the cool surface as I looked at the skewered practise dummy, ruined beyond recognition- with satisfaction. I'd needed something to help me channel my anger, and sword fighting seemed to do the trick. “Hey, Grace.” I looked up to see Selena striding in, spear in hand. She stopped abruptly after a few strides, as if she had just realised something- staring at me, open mouthed.

I frowned at her. “What?” I demanded, regarding her confused expression.

“Where are the kids? Bianca and Charlie... I told you that Zöe asked you to look after them...”

I held up my hand to interrupt her. “Selena, you never told me anything about looking after the kids. I had just guessed they were with Zo...” I trailed off, seeing the expression on her face.

“Oh gods...” She muttered, paling considerably. “Oh gods I'm such an idiot.” She looked up at me, her usual fierce ‘I don't care’ expression was gone, replaced by a look of pure anxiety. “I was meant to ask you to look after them Zöe went out. So if you haven't been watching them then...” I understood then.

“They could be anywhere.” I finished off, shaking my head.

All of the anger and hurt that was directed at Zöe, for turning me down, for wanting to only be 'friends'. Quickly washed away. She loved those kids more than anything, and if something happened to them... I darted for the doorway, knowing Selena would follow. It was nearly sunset by now, the kids would've been alone all day.

I tried to calm myself down.

Charlie was eight, nearly nine. He could look after himself, right?

I shook my head.

It didn't matter what age he was. If the two of them had left the borders, unaccompanied, unarmed, and untrained.

Who knows what could happen to them?

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)Where stories live. Discover now