“Daddy can I have a cookie?” I turned to see my five year old daughter Bianca, sitting up on the kitchen stool- swinging her little legs and twirling her plaits. While she eyed up the plate of blue cookies on the table.
I was about to reply when Annabeth appeared at my side. “No, you can't. You don't have cookies for breakfast,” she turned to me, “Honey get Bianca some cereal.” I planted a kiss on her head.
“Sure.” I replied. She kissed me on the cheek before disappearing off to get ready.
We both watched her go and when she was gone Bianca went back to giving me the puppy dog look. “Pleeeaaseee daddy?” She moaned sorrowfully.
“You heard you mom! You can have some after your dinner.” I sighed, reaching into the cereal cupboard.
“If you give me a cookie I promise not to tell mommy that it was YOU who broke the ceramic owl, not Charlie.” My daughter bargained, eyes sparkling.
I gasped dramatically. “That's blackmail Bianca!”
She nodded giggling and I grinned at her. “Nice work,” I reached towards the plate and took out the two biggest cookies, offering one to my daughter and taking a bite out of the other. “You're definitely your daddy's girl.”

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)
FanfictionHere's the sequel to "Broken" written by Tyler Jane Smith. It's called “Percy Jackson's little sister” It's about Zöe and her life as a fifteen year old, it will involve a lot of drama, heartache, excitement and hopefully some classic feels. Enjoy...