I watched as Zöe blinked, than blinked again- as if she couldn't quite believe her eyes.
She opened her mouth, then shut it again.
She stayed still for a long time. And I could see in her eyes, the battle that she was having with herself and her emotions. I knew what she was thinking. On one hand, she wanted Selena to come- another fighter on the side, more protection. But then I knew that she would also be thinking that Selena was one of her closest friends- and she didn't want to put her in danger.
So I waited, as Zöe stayed silent and still- trying to make a decision. And when she finally set her jaw and cleared her throat, I knew she'd made her mind up. And I knew what she was going to say.
Zöe opened her mouth once again, but before she'd even spoken one word- Selena was interrupting her. “No.” The other girl said, crossing her Armstrong in the chest. “No way are you saying I can't come because you don't want me to get hurt or you don't want to put me in danger or any of that schist. Because, guess what? There's no stopping me. I'll just follow you. I have ares blood, for hades sake! I'm a born fighter! And this is a life-risking quest to help my friends- I'm obviously gonna want to go.” She smirked then, and raised an eyebrow. “So are we gonna waste time fighting about this, or are we gonna just go?” I expected Zöe to fight back, but when I looked over- she only looked tired and defeated.
“Fine then.” She sighed. “Lets go.” We set off down the hill, slipping and tripping over the rocky and mucky surface of the forest floor. And it wasn't until we were right at the bottom that we realised that there was someone there- waiting for us.
“Fancy a fourth passenger?” Danny grinned.

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)
FanfictionHere's the sequel to "Broken" written by Tyler Jane Smith. It's called “Percy Jackson's little sister” It's about Zöe and her life as a fifteen year old, it will involve a lot of drama, heartache, excitement and hopefully some classic feels. Enjoy...