Finally, my feet would move. I made my way to the door slowly, each step an effort- like I was literally weighed down with the guilt I felt.
But then Selena was there, blocking my way. I hadn't even realised she'd been watching the whole time. “Don't follow her.” If I expected her to sound angry or revolted or disgusted. I was wrong. She just sounded stern and protective over Zöe.
“Selena. I. Have. To.” I tried to put as much force as possible into each word; to sway her decision.
“No you don't.” She pushed me away, into a seat and stepped back. Now she looked angry. “Give her some time. You just basically broke her heart. And acted like a complete schist head.”
I found myself looking down at the floor, watching my tears fall and splash off the wooden surface. “I... I... You don't know how bad I feel. I didn't mean a word of it,” I looked up then. “You've gotta believe me.” Selena pulled up another chair and sat down. So she was on eye level with me.
“You did. You did because you know some of what you said was true. But of course it's inevitable- to have flaws. I mean, everyone has them. But you only said it because you're that crap at handling your feelings for Zöe.” She sighed, leaning back.
I felt myself blush and hoped my voice wouldn't crack. “My feelings?” I mumbled, looking down again.
She grabbed my chin and tilted it up. “Yes you idiot. You're FEELINGS. You know, the fact that you are madly and undeniably in love with her!” She rolled her eyes as I sank back into my chair. And then she stood. “Okay. Fine. If you're gonna look like that then just go after her.” I looked up in surprise and she barked out a harsh laugh. “Just GO!” I didn't need to be told again.

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)
FanfictionHere's the sequel to "Broken" written by Tyler Jane Smith. It's called “Percy Jackson's little sister” It's about Zöe and her life as a fifteen year old, it will involve a lot of drama, heartache, excitement and hopefully some classic feels. Enjoy...