Me and Selena stuck behind Zöe and Damien, as they lead the four of us down twisting paths to get away from the woodlands of Camp Halfblood.
Zöe was navigating, looking up and down from the map as she walked, one hand in her pocket- probably clasping the pen that by simply being uncapped could turn into a metre long celestial bronze sword. Damien had his arm wrapped around her, pulling her closely to his side. And despite the fact that we were heading towards a complete death quest, he looked like the happiest guy in the world.
I tried to push away the wave of jealously and anger that welled up inside of me. But I couldn't help but feel it should be me making her smile like that, not him.
It was Selena who pulled me away from my train of thought. “Who's your dad?” I looked over in surprise. That wasn't a question I was expecting to be asked.
“Octavian. My dad is called Octavian.” Selena's eyebrows shot up.
“Oh my god, as in that blonde guy from all the pictures took after the war was over- the one who always had teddy bears strapped to his belt? THAT Octavian?”
I frowned. “I never heard anything about teddy bears- but yeah, dad is blonde- and he's called Octavian. It's not like there's many guys in their late-thirties called Octavian.”
She seemed to have got over the shock. “Makes sense. He always had his arm around your mom in the pictures I've seen.” She shrugged, then added. “Did you know he was like the roman equivalent to the oracle? In fact, I think he still is.” I almost laughed.
“Of course I didn't know that, I don't know anything about my parents life before mine. Though apparently it was QUITE the life.” I shook my head, and then something froze inside of me. “Crap.” I smacked my hand against my forehead. “I didn't tell my mom or my dad where I was going. I never thought to. They'll be going crazy.”

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)
FanfictionHere's the sequel to "Broken" written by Tyler Jane Smith. It's called “Percy Jackson's little sister” It's about Zöe and her life as a fifteen year old, it will involve a lot of drama, heartache, excitement and hopefully some classic feels. Enjoy...