Chapter 92

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My sister howled, the strength of the dagger throw sent her stumbling back a few metres, before she crumpled to the floor.

The boy's mouth fell open in surprise. But he wasn't the only one who could use a dagger. Without even thinking about it I had slammed the knife into his temple, and it stuck there. He gasped, and then fell to the ground. Immediately dead.

Zöe and Damien were finishing off the last two, but they were putting up a decent fight.

I turned away from them, and fled to my sisters side.

Her face was ghostly pale, her shirt front already coated in a thick pool of dark red. She looked up at me helplessly, panic in her eyes. Her breaths came shallow and dangerously uneven, but it was a wonder she was still breathing at all.

I gently hooked my arm under her neck, and lifted her carefully into my lap. She winced and whimpered weakly. “It's okay.” She croaked. The pain laced in her voice broke my heart more and more with each word. “I don't think.... I don't think that it hit anything vital.” She tilted her head slightly, and coughed black blood onto my trousers.

I looked down at her chest, and saw with a wave of relief that she was right. The dagger was nowhere near her heart or lungs.

But she was still loosing blood.

Danny appeared at my side. And not trusting that I could speak without crying, I  silently grabbed his shirt and tore it, pulling off a big strip.

As gently as I could, I began to wrap it around my sisters chest. Holding back the tears as she winced and gasped with pain.

I was almost done when the cave walls began to rumble, and a slab of heavy stone began to fall slowly downwards.

It was a door. The cave had a door.

And it was shutting.

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)Where stories live. Discover now