I peered sideways at Zöe.
She was staring out the window, her eyes sad and distant. I noticed with a start that she was paler than usual, dark shadows sat under her eyes.
She looked even skinnier than usual, and that was extremely worrying- since she already weighed about the same as a 5 year old.
We were sat on her bed side by side, our legs looped together and a pile of Greek mythology books sat between us.
We were supposed to be revising the Greek history, learning about monsters and other stories.
But Zöe seemed to be in a different world completely.
Finally I said:
“You're thinking about him, aren't you?” She turned to look at me, startled.
It had been 4 days since we'd met our ‘friend’ Danny, and in that same day we'd brought him to our home- only for him to be turned away due to Mr D's orders.
Zöe had been acting weird since.
She opened her mouth like she was about to lie; but then seemed to change her mind.
I knew her better than anyone, she couldn't fool me. “Yeah.” She nodded reluctantly. “I feel so bad for him...”
She sighed, as if she knew moping was useless- because we'd probably never see Danny again.
And I couldn't pretend that I was gutted about that. Because honestly, I'm not gonna miss the guy. “You've got nothing to feel sorry for Zo, it wasn't your fault.” I said, flipping the page over to a chapter on Hellhounds. “Besides, it's you I'm worried about, when did you last eat?”
She shrugged the question off. “Yesterday?”
I sighed, taking her hand in mine, squeezing it lightly. “You've gotta look after yourself Zo, or at least let me do it for you.” I insisted, tracing her palm with my fingertip.
She seemed to give in, leaning her head on my shoulder and closing her eyes lightly.
After a while she said, “I'll think of something, I'm not just gonna sit back and do nothing.” I grunted a little. But couldn't help but droop my head on top of hers.
“I'm sure you will Zöe.” I replied, knowing that she would, even though I secretly didn't want her to do anything about it at all.

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)
FanfictionHere's the sequel to "Broken" written by Tyler Jane Smith. It's called “Percy Jackson's little sister” It's about Zöe and her life as a fifteen year old, it will involve a lot of drama, heartache, excitement and hopefully some classic feels. Enjoy...