Chapter 52

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Zöe made a small sound in the back of her throat, almost a squeak.

Everyone was totally still for nearly a minute.

Until Zöe screamed.

It was the most awful scream I'd ever heard. A heart-breaking, gut-wrenching, soul-twisting sound.

She dropped to her knees and kept screaming, holding her head in her hands, which only slightly muffled the sound. All the adults in the room stood in shocked silence, and Estelle looked like she was about to cry.

It felt like I was watching it all from a distance, until I finally snapped back into reality.

I moved forward until I was above Zöe, then knelt down next to her. She'd stopped screaming now; but she was shaking violently- her hands still covering her face. I reached out, and placed my hands over hers- gently prising them away from her face. She looked up at me under her long lashes, her eyes shining with tears that threatened to fall.

I kept hold of her hands- interlocking our fingers. And leant forward so our foreheads touched.

Zöe inhaled sharply, her lip was trembling. “They're torturing Charlie.” She whispered, her warm breath fluttering against my lips. “They've got him and they're torturing him and I don't even know who 'they' is. Except for the fact that they're Gaia's lackies.”

I nodded slowly, and put my hand on her face, lowering my voice so the others couldn't make out what I was saying. “But, it's okay- well it's not, but we're gonna get him back, right?” Zöe closed her eyes briefly, and when she opened them again- her expression was hard and determined.

She kept her voice so quiet that I had to strain to hear her. “Yeah. We are. We'll leave tonight.” She nodded as if confirming what she had said. “Tonight.”

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)Where stories live. Discover now